Great Radio Legal Discussion - ongoing

Great Radio Legal Discussion - ongoing
Using Lawrence v Texas, later 5th Circuit case etc and sharing of many approaches to challenging the prostitution laws as well as the unique Rhode Island situation.

Lawyer Laurence J. Cohen, Esq. was very good especially reacting to my many comments. Gina (Bella of COYETE-RI who I have had tons of e-mail discussions with) and Maxine (from meeting in my home leading up the Calf/9th Circuit approach) and myself were so fast talking we almost overwhelmed the host Charlie. He never got to his Initiative so will be continued on Wednesday 1PM our time. Charlie really did great with the fast discussion of the 4 of us.

The 77 minutes went very fast and after some general topics by the 'gals". I haven't dared hear myself yet, but I called in after maybe 20 minutes and the discussion really got going. Charlie kept wanting me to introduce myself but never got to that with all the legal discussion, so at the end I was just the mystery guest caller.

I have concerns how the Charlie Spice Initiative/lawsuit is going to work, involves some media attention (supposedly a good CNN contact) and some think raising $100K+ for legal fees will not be a problem - I am skeptical but hopeful.

The attorney who won in the 5th Circuit and other cases has agreed to be a future guest as well as some other notable sexwork related attorney's supporting the ideas of the current proposed court battle challenging the constitutionality of the prostitution laws for in private consenting adults.

The goal is for the broadcasts open to all with be a uniting rallying point for organization and support from sexworkers, advocates and all interested trying to coordinate a potential legal fight in the U.S.

The prior great shows are available to hear and announcement of next show at
My call in is on the January 28th Episode with the great discussion.

Legal Basis:
Although the US Constitution does not explicitly guarantee the right to privacy, the Supreme Court, and Appeals Courts in a serious of various factual and legal settings, has recognized that the right to privacy -, including sexual privacy is a constitutionally protected liberty embodied in the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. This right has been upheld to restrain the reach of government into personal lives in various settings and there are arguments that it should extend to private consenting adult sexwork.

This is especially a concern in Phoenix with all the felony charges being brought with potentially long prison sentences vs just the 15 days minimum, first offense for only a prostitution misdemeanor