WTF...have guys become girls?

London Rayne's Avatar
Back in the day I can recall women getting all clingy with a man after the first experience, yet now the times are a changing.

Maybe, I am just not like women are because after I fk, I want only a sandwich and a damn nap, yet I keep running into guys who want to cuddle! Really? Texting my ass 30 times a day, the "where are you" messages if I don't respond in an hour, stopping by my house when we don't have plans, etc. Talking about guys who are SUPPOSED to be sugar daddies, and NOT boyfriends.

When did this shit change? Seriously...I need a man about 3 hours a week, and that's IT! I am not running a fkin bed and breakfast here! Don't bring your toothbrush, a change of clothes, or a damn Ipod, because we won't be listening to YOUR music!

Any other ladies notice how the tables have indeed turned, or am I just a guy? I don't need a love poem or a valentine. Just come fk me, daty, and buy me a fking subway on the way out, and we will get along just fine, but if you start eating MY Captain Crunch, it's gonna be an issue! Get your own fkin cereal!
shorty's Avatar
I think it works both ways in RL. If you take out the P4P element, then there has to be boundaries of each others personal space. Like some ladies will tell you not to text when there working or its not allowed unless there on lunch break. Then some will tell you to text them during the day and they will respond when they can. It passes the day by texting.

As far as a lady or guy coming over uninvited, that's a big NO. If they want you over there they will say so. Its almost on the verge of someone not trusting you or becoming a somewhat stalker. I can only imagine how it would play out if you told them to get lost.

Was there any explaination on what you was looking for? Was it just FB kinda deal or what?
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh yea, I forgot...hacking into your damn email lol. Guys are becoming more and more like chicks every day when they get fixated on a woman they know they can't have. There's the ticket...act like you don't want the dude, and he will never leave you the fk alone bwahhaaha. Get too clingy...bye, bye. I just assumed guys wrote the book on this very game, and now it seems as if they forgot how to play it. 3 friends, in the last 4 months, with the same guy problems. Geez!
  • Paven
  • 01-30-2013, 10:48 PM
Hey that have a sandwich and a nap is my line lol.
London Rayne's Avatar
NO way...I have used that for years lol. I mean it too. I can't fk after I eat, and I can't do anything after an orgasm!
All I know, is that you crack me up. You make this forum a 1000% more entertaining.
  • Paven
  • 01-30-2013, 10:56 PM
Well I use it in the context that a guy will need a sandwich and a nap after visiting with me lol. I've used it for years as well .
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
"Advice to with my nipples only briefly...fuck me...then GO HOME"
- Sandra Bernhard (1981)
  • Paven
  • 01-30-2013, 10:59 PM
I don't know why you're trying to come off as such a hard ass London, we all know what a little cuddle bunny you are HAHAHA!
livn2do's Avatar
Just come fk me, daty, and buy me a fking subway on the way out Originally Posted by London Rayne
Quite possibly one of the sexiest things I've read in a long time. And by the way, I'd be happy to do just that. My only question is 6" or footlong?
  • Paven
  • 01-30-2013, 11:01 PM
6 inches or under! LOL

Finger sandwiches might work HAHAHA!
LOL! Maybe we should keep some extra pamprin in the medicine cabinet for the guys with the sensitive needs.
London Rayne's Avatar
Y'all need to quit with the small d*ck jokes...I think I made myself clear many times bwahahaha. Asians, please take a number...I serve you all!
  • Paven
  • 01-30-2013, 11:16 PM
Asia is a big continent LOL!
London Rayne's Avatar
I wish we had more Asians in New Orleans...just saying.

No, shorty. I am talking about guys who literally fall for a girl after like 3 dates...even pay dates ha ha. It never used to be that hard to use a guy for sex, and have him just take a hike. If you put out on the first date 10 years ago, they never called again. If you do that now, they want to move in!