The reasoning behind age discrimination?

I realize there's a sticky regarding NBA, but something I'm curious about, is that the other common restriction I see is "No men under 30" "No men under 35" "Older gentlemen only".

I could take some guesses as to why that is (money and some kind of worldly perspective are two that come to mine), but my specific assumption is that women have had some bad experiences with younger men. What I'm curious about, is what kind of experiences are they having with younger men that would make them cut that age bracket out of their potential customer base? It's obviously not universal, but it's common enough to be remarked upon.

Also, it seems like it would be good advice for younger hobbyists to avoid certain behaviors, since they're seen as risky clientele within the industry --- on some level, in any case.

My apologies if this has been covered ad infinitum, or if it's something obvious I shouldn't even have to ask about.
London Rayne's Avatar
I have an age restriction, but it is on the upper end vs. the lower. My body, my choice and after the "What would you do if a client died on you" threads, I am considering getting medical release forms! I am not going to have sex with a guy who makes me think of my grandpa, and many women have sons that are under 30, which is why they have their rules in place. If it literally creeps you out to be with men a certain age, you should not be forced to do it, much less explain it.

Don't let the marketing bs fool you either. Many women won't see young guys because they know they can get a 10 from a 70 year old, and getting a high score from a young guy who is also attractive, is not that easy. I have never had to deal with the commonly reported issues pertaining to young guys, that so many claim to deal with. Older guys can be just as cheap, nasty, rough, and demanding, so I call bs on that one. That's a broad brush to paint with. I also call bs on "Older men are more mature and better in bed." Not the case, and it depends on what you define as "mature" and "Good in bed" lol.
I refuse to see anyone under 18 or over 112! PERIOD! I just won't do it and you can't make me. Otherwise, age is just a number.

Actually, I would feel uncomfortable with anyone under 21 or is so old he has to bring his nurse with him.
If it literally creeps you out to be with men a certain age, you should not be forced to do it, much less explain it. Originally Posted by London Rayne
No doubt! I'm just curious.

Lol, JessicaKnightly.

Thanks for the answers.
I'm a lady that prefers older gentlemen also. Young guys can be great, too. It's just a preference, nothing set in stone. I state on my website, my preference is over 35, but if you are in your 20's all is not lost, as long as you have references and are established in the community. So basically, if someone is a first timer in their 20's I am reluctant to meet this gent. I've tried to meet first timers in their 20's and the bulk of those experiences weren't so great. They either wasted my time, or haggled my rate or were disrespectful or asked too many incriminating questions. So to answer your question, these have been my experiences that "limits" -not completely eliminates, that age bracket. I just prefer someone who has a little bit of worldly experience to know how to treat a lady. Not all 20 somethings are the same. So that's why I'm still willing to meet a 20 something, as long as he is not a first timer. Speaking of which, forget 20 somethings. What about teens?? I've had a couple 18 year olds contact me recently. I entertained the thought, I was courteous in my responses, but in the back of my head I knew it was all a waste of time. And you know what? It was!!
Thanks, Tatiana.

I'm in real estate, and my experience has been if someone has restrictions as to who they're willing to work with, in general it's because of some kind of bad experience with that category. That was a helpful answer. 'Preciate it!
Thanks, Tatiana.

I'm in real estate, and my experience has been if someone has restrictions as to who they're willing to work with, in general it's because of some kind of bad experience with that category. That was a helpful answer. 'Preciate it! Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Thats pretty much the reasoning behind it all- too many bad experiences with the same crowd type makes people take caution, or eliminate that bracket altogether to protect themselves. Anyway, I'm glad I could help! Be well out there in the great state of Texas
Less drama.
I refuse to see anyone under 18 or over 112! PERIOD! I just won't do it and you can't make me. Otherwise, age is just a number.

Actually, I would feel uncomfortable with anyone under 21 or is so old he has to bring his nurse with him. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
For my 100th birthday your all invited. First lady to make the candle stand up gets a DOT. (Dust on tits because ill only be shootin dust by then)
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  • MC
  • 02-04-2013, 11:06 AM
There's usually a stigma that younger guys are immature and unreliable (NCNS). Unfortunately there are some idiots out there who ruin it for the rest of us. I'm 24 and have been lucky enough to see a number of wonderful ladies despite this stigma. For instance, one of my ATFs is a provider in her 40's. When I first contacted her, I tried to be as professional as possible, and it convinced her to see me. I ended up having a great time with her. Later, she told me that I was the youngest guy she had ever seen and that normally the younger guys who contacted her were rude and obnoxious. However, because I had acted mature when contacting her, I was an exception. So in the end, it definitely pays off to be mature and treat a lady with respect.
10 years ago there was a very elderly German man who made a public announcement that he'd will his entire fortune to the last woman who slept with him.

This is the only link I could find.

You should do something similar, beezdat!
Thanks, MC. Good viewpoint.
10 years ago there was a very elderly German man who made a public announcement that he'd will his entire fortune to the last woman who slept with him.

This is the only link I could find.

You should do something similar, beezdat! Originally Posted by proudoftexas
I still have 50 something years to plan it out. Plus, when I die, I want to be broke as a joke. Nothing would concern me more than knowing I left money on the table here.
shorty's Avatar
Some of it could be that younger guys tend to be able to recover quicker and tends to treat the lady like a sex monkey!!
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Actually, I would feel uncomfortable with anyone under 21 or is so old he has to bring his nurse with him. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
Hey now I need my BettyBoob Nurse to hook up my Penis Erection Pump for ya.