So what do you think of Dianne Feinstein releasing the CIA Torture Report??

Everybody seems up in arms about using some rather enhanced methods in garnering information from detainees after 9-11, but have no qualms about dropping a drone on someone thousands of miles away and killing them along with whom ever might be in the same vicinity.

The big difference is President Bush was involved in the "enhanced methods", and President Obama is basically owns the drone program.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yes politics. The Dems just want to say they were lied too by someone.

I'm surprised that Sen. Feinstein did this. She's the only grown-up the Dems have.
boardman's Avatar
Everybody seems up in arms about using some rather enhanced methods in garnering information from detainees after 9-11, but have no qualms about dropping a drone on someone thousands of miles away and killing them along with whom ever might be in the same vicinity.

The big difference is President Bush was involved in the "enhanced methods", and President Obama is basically owns the drone program.

Politics? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Lies or drones take your pick.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm surprised that Sen. Feinstein did this. She's the only grown-up the Dems have. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We will find out why after the first of the year, I suspect.

There are some questions being raised as to the "completeness" of the investigation and thoroughness of the "interviews."
Yes politics.

I'm surprised that Sen. Feinstein did this. She's the only grown-up the Dems have. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
But underneath that thin vale of respectability lies the slimy slug that is a modern Democrat.

President Obama has an uncanny ability to combine naïveté with stupidity. Fienstien has just combined vindictiveness with naïveté.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Feinstein = Treasonous cunt.
Ohomo Bin Lyin and his minions will regret it. Too Bad our people will get killed because the Ozombies need a distraction.
Ohomo Bin Lyin and his minions will regret it. Too Bad our people will get killed because the Ozombies need a distraction. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Our people? Didn't know you are black.
Our people? Didn't know you are black. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Jesus Christ, you are stupid.
lustylad's Avatar
In WW2 during the Battle of the Bulge, the Germans took 40+ American prisoners and massacred them at Malmedy. When the word got back to Patton, he sent an order down through the ranks - until further notice, take no new German prisoners, execute them on the spot. This went on for about a week, enough time for the Germans to get the message. We can play by your rules too. Then the order was rescinded, and German prisoners were again put in POW camps until the war ended.

If Diane Feinstein and her squeamish squeaky clean clique of holier-than-thou high horse surrender monkeys had been around then, we never would have won WW2.
boardman's Avatar
Ohomo Bin Lyin and his minions will regret it. Too Bad our people will get killed because the Ozombies need a distraction. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I keep hearing this from the talking heads too.

Who is going to get killed as a direct result of being outed by this report?

I get that there may be some riots in some foreign city because of it and some Marines or embassy workers may get killed (and I'm not diminishing those lives at all) but that is something that would likely take place anyway, they just need a reason.
I haven't read the report because of time constraints so I am going by what I am hearing.

Does it name names?

I heard Hannity saying Monday that his sources said that there were enough details in the report that individuals might possibly be identified and individually targeted.
Is there really that kind of detail in the report?

IDK, We asked for transparency. I don't think CIA transparency was what we intended but that's what we got, I suppose.
lustylad's Avatar
Who is going to get killed as a direct result of being outed by this report?

Does it name names?

We asked for transparency. I don't think CIA transparency was what we intended but that's what we got... Originally Posted by boardman

There is a law against outing CIA agents. Look up Philip Agee or Valerie Plame or Scooter Libby. Shouldn't Diane Feinstein be prosecuted under this law?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2014, 01:03 PM
Sounds like some of you numb nuts would like to rename the CIA the KGB.

I B Hankering's Avatar
We will find out why after the first of the year, I suspect.

There are some questions being raised as to the "completeness" of the investigation and thoroughness of the "interviews." Originally Posted by LexusLover

It's the CIA's position that they briefed Feinstein, and considering how Feinstein's actions reek of vindictiveness, there's no reason to accept her version over the CIA's.