Sorry...another NCNS do we stop them from occurring?

As important as it is to let a client know of a cancelled appointment, and not leave the client hanging/waiting with no information…why do some providers continue to do it? A NCNS can be such a hobby killer…quickly descending you from a peak of euphoria (expectations about the rendezvous encounter) to a low of extreme disappointment when it doesn’t happen… Leading one on to drive an hour one way…wasted time/gas…or have to spend money on a room that won’t get used. With our psyche already on edge (for some of us that are hitched)…when this happens it’s enough to consider quitting the hobby altogether.

This happened to me so many times in the past, that I decided to try the sure thing: the studios (primarily L1/L2). It may seem I’m cheating myself since I don’t get FS, but at least I’m saving myself a tremendous amount of aggravation. Studios have great ladies, are consistent, and don’t leave you hanging once an app’ment is made. Still, FS is much required from time to time…and so it happened again…

This NCNS happened recently…in fact this week. I had made an appointment Sunday for a 2-hour session mid-week, giving her 3-days advance notice. The lady stated she had just gotten back in town, and was only doing out-calls, so I arranged to get a room (paid for the room, I’m local, so this is not something I like to do…especially since it leaves a paper-trail).

The day before the date, I attempt to confirm…silence. I look at her Eccie account and notice she has placed an ad…to my astonishment, the ad states “incalls and outcalls”…wtf…not what I was told initially.

I realize that the ladies have a life outside of the hobby and have to deal with family issues…but does it take a lot of effort to send a text/email stating the cancellation? In this ladies’ defense, the day of (after I had paid for the room) she did contact me and said there were family issues, and that she would try to make the appointment. This was at 2 o’clock, we had set the session for 445. Okay, she gave me hope. So I check into the place and wait…and wait…and wait…sending emails/calling several times…445 rolls around and nothing. I try contacting a backup…no dice…too late. What a waste of time and $. I still haven’t heard from her…

I realize that this lady is young, but she IS an adult, and surely she’s aware of what it feels like to be left hanging like this….when all it would take to give notice is a few finger-pecks on the phone to call or send a text or send an email…

I will hold back on identifying the young lady…to give her an opportunity to contact me to tell me her side of the story…I know I will be criticized if I don’t identify… I don’t wish to blemish her reputation, for I know ladies working here need to make a living. Nor am I seeking redemption or a discount for another app’ment…

Why am I posting this then? Perhaps I just wish to put this out there so ladies that are more inclined to mess with our minds--the minds of us poor fktards,--will know that NCNS is not cool…and way more damaging than you think. And perhaps they’ll make more of an effort to avoid NCNS.

Perhaps I really just wanted to rant and release some steam…because if I don’t do this, I may end up hanging it up…abandoning the hobby…for ending the hobby is almost like committing suicide…for without the touch of these beautiful, young, unselfish lady providers…I might as well be dead. 😞
How about a name to go with it? NCNS with providers are getting more and more commonplace, especially with well known Eccie VP, no way to stop it tho.

The only effort you can do is post a NCNS thread, name the provider and hope it hurts her business. Perhaps one of these days, maybe they will wake up and realize all the lost revenue and do something about it like actually respond to their texts and follow through with appointments, but I doubt it.
Not sure where you live....butt I would never drive an hour for a "sure thing". There is way too much to do a whole lot closer to home
Not sure where you live....butt I would never drive an hour for a "sure thing". There is way too much to do a whole lot closer to home Originally Posted by Tsmokies
For sure not in Dallas Proper...cause this is where the hottest eccie ladies normally set up shop...I'm totally envious of u Dallasites...😞
I will give the lady n opportunity to contact me...if she doesn't in a day or two, I will post her Identiy. Sorry...she trying to give her a last chance opportunity to explain her side.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
NCNS are wrong no matter who commits the offense, but I would be willing to bet the farm on it, that us ladies get NCNS'd ten fold over you gents. Only thing is we don't post about it in open coed forums. Instead, we post about it in private forums as to warn other ladies of a particular gents behavior therefore using that information as a tool rather than a perplexing dilema. Pick yourself up and try again.
NCNS are wrong no matter who commits the offense, but I would be willing to bet the farm on it, that us ladies get NCNS'd ten fold over you gents. Only thing is we don't post about it in open coed forums. Instead, we post about it in private forums as to warn other ladies of a particular gents behavior therefore using that information as a tool rather than a perplexing dilema. Pick yourself up and try again. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Based on what I read here, easily more than 1/2 of the reports are not NCNS. Often, no actual appointment was set and accepted by both sides. Poor communications by both sides is often the root cause. A cancelation, even a few minutes ahead of time is NOT a NCNS. Irritating? yes. NCNS? Nope. Guys all too often jump the gun and don't give time to women to contact them. I remember one report that was made by the guy while he was sitting in the parking lot less than 10 minutes after arriving at an appointment that was never confirmed by her. A guy drove over an hour to see a provider even though he was unable to reach her before leaving. What idiot drives an hour to any appointment with out knowing for sure the other person will be there?

If you think you did everything right, give her a few days to contact you. Is the world going to end if you don't report it 15 minutes after your appointment? Sometimes, the provider is indeed just blowing you off. But shit happens. Give her a real chance.

One big advantage you women have is you have a secure forum with few to no leaks to post this kind of stuff in. If the ML was truly only for the guys with no leaks, a lot of this and other drama would not take place in Co-Ed. And a lot of what gets posted there would blow over quickly without the fanning of flames that goes on here. You providers who break the rules have only yourselves to blame for a lot of things that get aired out here.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I've had several NCNS, all of them firm appointments, all of them were actually at the incall at the appointed time.. but you can't make someone answer the phone or respond to your text.. if punctuality and TCB skills were in large supply, many of the ladies would be in different careers..
mark77070's Avatar
One big advantage you women have is you have a secure forum with few to no leaks to post this kind of stuff in. If the ML was truly only for the guys with no leaks, a lot of this and other drama would not take place in Co-Ed. And a lot of what gets posted there would blow over quickly without the fanning of flames that goes on here. You providers who break the rules have only yourselves to blame for a lot of things that get aired out here. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Amen to that.
Hercules's Avatar
Then there are the last minute cancellations where they use the excuse "I DID call to cancel" (5 minutes before the appt. time :/) But if you last minute cancel on them then it's a capital offense. Hippo-krits.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
My two most recent appointments were for outcalls. The first time, I paid for the room in advance (with points, so I'm not out any real money). Something came up and she couldn't make it. Lesson learned. The second time, we again failed to meet, but I had learned from the first time and was awaiting a confirmation of the appointment before getting the room.

But if I ever wind up in the first position again -- a paid-for room with no Plan B and only a little time -- I'm making sure I bring a swimsuit, a laptop full of porn, and some baby oil. No sense in letting the room go completely to waste.
I will say I gave had only one gal ncns me years ago. And, I left to go see her even though she did not respond to my last scheduled confirmation call. Thankfully I had a plan B that was on the way. Never did hear back from her. But I learned my lesson. I changed my screening and research so to prevent this stuff. I "miss out" on some really hot women but I have great sessions with some other hot women. In the last 4 years I had the one no show and a couple of cancellations but that's it.

If you insist on seeing new gals, bp providers, or women who have shown poor TCB skills, you need to accept the risks that go with them. Post the facts, leave the name calling and emotional shit out of it and let it go. Move on to the lots of women here who appreciate your business and work hard for it.
... Perhaps I just wish to put this out there so ladies that are more inclined to mess with our minds--the minds of us poor fktards,--will know that NCNS is not cool…and way more damaging than you think. And perhaps they’ll make more of an effort to avoid NCNS. Originally Posted by Gottahavit55
If they cared they wouldn't do it in the first place. Its a lack of basic common courtesy, not "family issues". You should name her and save someone else their time. That's what this site is for. Use it.

Perhaps I really just wanted to rant and release some steam…because if I don’t do this, I may end up hanging it up…abandoning the hobby…for ending the hobby is almost like committing suicide…for without the touch of these beautiful, young, unselfish lady providers…I might as well be dead. 😞 Originally Posted by Gottahavit55
Oh c'mon now. Stop whining. You could have hit up the strip club on your way home. There's oodles of info on services in the strip club review section, including FS places.....and you wouldn't be dead without strange. That's just silly.

Chin up, sir. Battle on. You have a world of pussy to conquer!
pmdelites's Avatar
...I will hold back on identifying the young lady…to give her an opportunity to contact me to tell me her side of the story…I know I will be criticized if I don’t identify… I don’t wish to blemish her reputation, for I know ladies working here need to make a living. Nor am I seeking redemption or a discount for another app’ment… Originally Posted by Gottahavit55
have you contacted her and asked her for an explanation?
if not, i wouldnt hold my breath waiting for it.

i'm not criticizing you, but if it were me, i'd name her and let her respond to my post or via some other communication channel.

plus if you name her, then some guys might comment about her doing it to them or that this is a rare situation for her.

stating objective facts does not blemish her reputation. she can do that all by herself w/ her actions.

...Perhaps I really just wanted to rant and release some steam…because if I don’t do this, I may end up hanging it up…abandoning the hobby…for ending the hobby is almost like committing suicide…for without the touch of these beautiful, young, unselfish lady providers…I might as well be dead. �� Originally Posted by Gottahavit55
imho, if you hang it up and abandon the hobby, then she has won and you have lost.

i agree with thatHotNurse on this point - there are plenty of providers in the dfw area who do not NCNS and will provide you w/ a very deliteful experience.

not being able to read between your lines to tell if you are serious or joking, if you seriously think/believe/feel that ending the hobby is like committing suicide, then i would think you have more serious issues to deal with than a provider NCNSing you.

peace be with you, Gottahavit55