I feel bad cause I didn't say something ..

skeeter's Avatar
I feel bad but exactly how do you tell her.....

I was on my way home to get ready to head to the lake for the weekend .... I was thirsty so I stopped at a convenience store to grab something to drink.... As I was walking toward the door I heard a car pulling up to the curb .... It was louder than it should have been so I turned to see what it was ..... Sounded like a bearing was dry or something .... It was a really pretty SL Class Mercedes...with the glare I couldn't see the driver and really didn't try .... I was at the door so I just went on in to the store .....
I went straight to the fountain drink area and took out a cup and filled it with ice when I knew someone was behind me..... I turned , said excuse me and stepped a little to the side so they could get a cup when my jaw locked ....
A beautiful blonde with a cocky little hat... Maybe 40 yrs old , about 5'5" was standing there....
She dripped class and sensuality .... Had on a shear white blouse buttoned all but the top over a pink tube type under blouse covering what I would guess to be natural C's..... Pink shorts , not too short but short enough to wow you .... Not tight , really loose on the legs .... Again very classy look....
As I fumbled with my drink she put the lid on hers and walked away .... I quickly finished mine , like the dirty old man that I am I wanted in line behind her for another look.....
Walking closer behind I looked down at a small round tat on her ankle then moved up her very shapely legs to a nice tight , firm , round ass .....
The kind you want both hands on .....
When I noticed a rip in the seam of her shorts about 3" long .....
She either had on a very tight thong or no underwater .....
I could plainly see the fold where cheeks rolled into the vally of lust .... She paid .... And walked off ... I paid and followed her out as she climbed into the Mercedes .... I walked on to my truck in a quandary .... Should I tell her and if so how ??????
She's never going to see me again ... True enough it will embarrass her but not nearly as bad as if she's going to meet friends ....

I felt bad ..... I think I should have told her ....:-(
brownfish's Avatar
Mysterydate023's Avatar
I was at work one day and there was this knock out by the security command window awaiting which ever person they were to meet. Nice legs, heels, knee length skirt, and a matching blazer. What really got my attention was her blouse, a white, lacy thing that had a middle button loose. I could see right into it, bra, nice tits, everything. I didn't know whether to let her know, and seem like a pervert, or just enjoy the view, and seem like a pervert. I enjoyed the view, chatted with her some, until someone whispered in her ear, and she buttoned up while looking at me like I was a pervert. Totally worth it.
Tell her about what?

.... the wheel bearing?

I always tell about the clothes. ..you earn points, respect, and she will remember the moment forever.

just get a good look first and let her know you did. She will be flattered. Like: you have lovely breasts but a button is open. Or pink lace looks great on you....but....
lmao I would turn pinker than the shirt if that happened to me especially if someone pointed it out lol!! I'm a natural blonde just let me embarrass myself lol Im jk

One time I was going out to eat and I was wearing a skirt and blouse but my grandma insisted that I wear nylons...okay so I walked into the restuarant to meet my friend and there was 3 guys behind me laughing (akward) so I get to the hostess stand and she goes to walk me in when a man waiter tapped me on the shoulder to let me know my skirt was nicely tucked in my nylons and I was wearing a thong (golly granny who wears nylons these days?) I almost ran out of the restuarant but the sweet 3 guys behind me gave me a huge smile when I went to the bathroom and passed by them

Either way I would have given you points and maybe my phone number if you would have pointed it out
brownfish's Avatar
Hey Julie you have your skirt stuck in your a** .....
Can I have your number now ?
yea something like that! lol
TiCobra's Avatar
lmao I would turn pinker than the shirt if that happened to me especially if someone pointed it out lol!! I'm a natural blonde just let me embarrass myself lol Im jk

One time I was going out to eat and I was wearing a skirt and blouse but my grandma insisted that I wear nylons...okay so I walked into the restuarant to meet my friend and there was 3 guys behind me laughing (akward) so I get to the hostess stand and she goes to walk me in when a man waiter tapped me on the shoulder to let me know my skirt was nicely tucked in my nylons and I was wearing a thong (golly granny who wears nylons these days?) I almost ran out of the restuarant but the sweet 3 guys behind me gave me a huge smile when I went to the bathroom and passed by them

Either way I would have given you points and maybe my phone number if you would have pointed it out Originally Posted by Julie James
I had to do the same for a really hot little lady in the checkout at Walmart,except she wasn't wearing nylons,she was wearing some really sheer white panties,and her dress was tucked in the back of them, I happened to be right behind her.I just couldn't stand it anymore ( #1 her ass was so fine with that cheek hanging out,#2 I thought it would be the gentlemanly to do because that cheek had my full attention and I'm sure everyone else's)so I tapped her on the shoulder,leaned over and whispered in her ear about her situation,her face went red and she discreetly corrected the situation,then she turned a smiled sweetly and said thank you...her cart was nearly full so I'm sure she had been in the store for quite some time,I felt bad for the young lady so I guess that's why I didn't try and push it any further.
this started out just like a penthouse forum letter...
pyramider's Avatar
It would have been wrong only if the rip showed taint and you did not mention it.