Encounter: Authentic... Unbiased... Pearl

User ID: -
Date: 3/30/21
Name: Pearl
Phone: 4128728820
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page): -
City: Pittsburgh
State: Pennsylvania
Address: Around the corner from the stadium’s and what not
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: ROS
Duration of Encounter: 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Dirty blonde, maybe a brunette, up in a bun
Age: Probably early 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Her body in that outfit was absolutely delicious. No lie. But we will get into it more in the ROS
Recommendation: Yes
Originally Posted by sjomonty
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Nice to see we have “authentic “ reviews now.