It's working....

Two million hits on the on Monday.

After all the noise, all the energy directed against it, all that wasted's going to work. And, the GOP is now starting to recognize the inevitability of it as evidenced by their utter silence on the topic after their last public bitch slapping over the gov. shutdown.

Just think about how much further along we could be if the Republicans had directed all that energy trying to stop it and tear it down towards working together with the Democrats to build a healthcare system that provides medical care to all Americans.
LexusLover's Avatar
Two million hits on the on Monday. Originally Posted by timpage
How many people were signed up for January 1st coverage?
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 12-26-2013, 09:02 AM
college financial aid recipient please, oh migrant you applying for job ah ahahh ahahh do you have insurance ... .... ha ha ha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pie in the sky.

People by nature resist change and when given a deadline tend to wait until the very last second. Once they got the website working signups began flowing in.

Unfortunately our loyal opposition have seen nothing good in anything ...typical of angry, under informed crybabies. LLIdiot is turning in his closet roiling in his own froth over this. He's afraid the government will put their hands on his Medicare!

BTW -- I'm certain I'm not the only one here he who is COVERED!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-26-2013, 09:32 AM
How many people were signed up for January 1st coverage? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It was not working properly....
How many people were signed up for January 1st coverage? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Dunno. How many?

Does 2,000,000 hits in one day indicate to you that the implementation of the health care legislation is gaining traction? Or, that the GOP's efforts at repeal, obfuscation and general blockheadedness have been successful?

It's going to work. It's already working. Get over it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Two million hits on the on Monday.

After all the noise, all the energy directed against it, all that wasted's going to work. And, the GOP is now starting to recognize the inevitability of it as evidenced by their utter silence on the topic after their last public bitch slapping over the gov. shutdown.

Just think about how much further along we could be if the Republicans had directed all that energy trying to stop it and tear it down towards working together with the Democrats to build a healthcare system that provides medical care to all Americans. Originally Posted by timpage
Timmie you silly little birch....the goal was SEVEN MILLION signed up into Obamacare by January 1st. It is a failure. Can you cite with certainty that two million hits occurred? Do you realize that two million hits is NOT two million enrolled? Of those who enrolled how many are now in Medicare and not Obamacare? How many people lost their health insurance? About five million. Just admit it, even you numbers show a failure of breathtaking proportions....and very expensive as well.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Dunno. How many?

Does 2,000,000 hits in one day indicate to you that the implementation of the health care legislation is gaining traction? Or, that the GOP's efforts at repeal, obfuscation and general blockheadedness have been successful?

It's going to work. It's already working. Get over it. Originally Posted by timpage
You haven't been paying attention. The website cannot process 2,000,000 people in one day. It has not been designed for this. If we believe EVERYTHING they can only process 80,000 at a time (of course they have failed to come anywhere near that without crashing) and it takes a bit of time to go through 17 pages of forms.

The big thing many people have PAID through the site. No one knows Timmie. You don't have insurance until you pay.
Keep clucking Professor.

It's working.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-26-2013, 01:14 PM
Timmie you silly little birch....the goal was SEVEN MILLION signed up into Obamacare by January 1st. It is a failure. Can you cite with certainty that two million hits occurred? Do you realize that two million hits is NOT two million enrolled? Of those who enrolled how many are now in Medicare and not Obamacare? How many people lost their health insurance? About five million. Just admit it, even you numbers show a failure of breathtaking proportions....and very expensive as well. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

you silly little no spelling bitch .. the ultimate goal is 20-30 million by 2020 ...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
you silly little no spelling bitch .. the ultimate goal is 20-30 million by 2020 ... Originally Posted by CJ7
Did you hurt yourself little pissy birch? I didn't want to be accused of calling nasty names this close to Christmas but you on the other hand....never jump to conclusions.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Yes, all medicad lol

No young to pay for the old, They signed up but haven't paid.

More have lost their insurance than have signed up for it.

Keep thinking this is the best thing since voting in an idiot.

We will bail this plan out as well as the Unions too.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Even if it were working perfectly, it would still be unconstitutional and a huge overreach of government authority. Remember, Mussolini made the trains run on time.
Working so great some states are thinking of suing... LOL

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Officials in Massachusetts and Vermont are withholding payments to a primary ObamaCare contractor over the problem-plagued healthcare rollout.

The Boston Globe reported on Thursday that, in addition to halting new payments to the CGI Group, officials in both states are weighing their legal options against the company in a potential effort to recoup taxpayer dollars.

CGI is the largest ObamaCare contractor and was primarily responsible for developing

Massachusetts has so far paid $11 million of its $69 million contract, according to the Globe report, while Vermont owes the company $5 million and is disputing an additional $1 million.

In addition to Massachusetts, Vermont and the federal exchange, CGI has ObamaCare contracts with Hawaii, Colorado, Kentucky, New Mexico and California.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has estimated the information technology costs for to be $677 million through the end of October.

HHS has only spent $319 million of that amount so far.

Sebelius has hinted the Health department could seek to withhold some payments to contractors due to the poor performance of the website.

Last month, the secretary announced that her inspector general (IG) will investigate the botched launch of

“I believe strongly in the need for accountability and in the importance of being good stewards of taxpayer dollars,” Sebelius wrote in a blog post announcing the investigation.

She said the IG will investigate payments to contractors and that she would “act based on his recommendations.”
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 12-26-2013, 06:05 PM

CC what happen to selected undelete or more selected intel ?