Closing of Coleen Alert?

Why was the Coleen alert thread closed? Sure a couple people were "piling on" and not helping with the information exchange but does that justify unilaterally closing the thread? Just today AtxTexMex came forward as yet another person being harassed. It is very helpful for those of us being directly impacted by the e-mails, texts and video to share information on dealing with this alert. Unfortunately for us who are being targeted, closing the thread does not make the problem go away.

Additionally, the thread provides an opportunity for Coleen to explain how our information was exposed and why she has been deceiving people with at least three different handles on ECCIE - coleen, scarlette.rae, kennnedy69.
  • Vyt
  • 01-17-2012, 04:08 PM
If Coleen would like to explain any or all of the above she is welcome to make a new thread, as is anyone else who has been threatened with outing/exposure.

At this point though it's our decision that enough info is available for the community to make an informed decision and further argument is harmful, not helpful.

Why was the Coleen alert thread closed? Sure a couple people were "piling on" and not helping with the information exchange but does that justify unilaterally closing the thread? Just today AtxTexMex came forward as yet another person being harassed. It is very helpful for those of us being directly impacted by the e-mails, texts and video to share information on dealing with this alert. Unfortunately for us who are being targeted, closing the thread does not make the problem go away.

Generally when an alert is posted and the accused party has answered, we close the alert to avoid all of the he said/she said and the resultant piling on that occurs. Leaving the thread open will not make the problem go away either!

Additionally, the thread provides an opportunity for Coleen to explain how our information was exposed and why she has been deceiving people with at least three different handles on ECCIE - coleen, scarlette.rae, kennnedy69. Originally Posted by buffaloemanuel
Coleen has already told her "side" of this issue on the second page. Do you have any "proof" to offer that she is in fact one person that is acting as two or three different members or are you just one of the many dealing in the hearsay? Those with "proof" have had adequate time and pages (5 when I closed it) to offer such proof.

The purpose of an Alert is to warn members of the community about things that are a danger to members of the community. If the members of the community (that this applies to) are not forewarned by now, then they will never be warned!!! That is why it was closed, not because I got up this morning and unilaterally decided to close an alert thread.

Anyone else that gets harassed by the same people mentioned in this thread are welcome to start another about their circumstances.

further argument is harmful, not helpful. Originally Posted by Vyt
Harmful to who? Coleen? WTF! She has caused and continues to cause a lot of harm herself!
South Nice Guy's Avatar
Space, Are you saying that you have no proof that she claimed she was a twin? Have you seen this webpage?
Clearly, she was at least touted as being a twin. I can't authoritatively say that she is the source of that information, but it seems reasonable that she is.
Space, Are you saying that you have no proof that she claimed she was a twin? Have you seen this webpage?
Clearly, she was at least touted as being a twin. I can't authoritatively say that she is the source of that information, but it seems reasonable that she is. Originally Posted by South Nice Guy
Not at all. I know that she has stated that she has a twin and that Scarlette has stated the same thing. I also know what many here have said both positive and negative (remember the Mods are suppossed to read everything!!). I also know that some claim that they are the same person posting under several handles.

I know that we (Staff) have access to some tools that help us determine if someone is using multiple identities. They do not provide proof positive, but they certainly give us direction. I would hope that everyone here knows how serious this Mod team takes this sort of thing and I hope that everyone understands that we look into these allegations with all of the methods at our disposal. if we find transgressions, we act according to the guidelines set forth by the owners. We cannot control or be responsible for things that happen beyond our corner of cyberspace.

I think that you can draw your own conclusion from the above statement.

I know that we (Staff) have access to some tools that help us determine if someone is using multiple identities. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Great. Then it should be easy to determine that Coleen, Scarlette.Rae and Kennnedy69 are all the same deceitful person. Please report back with your findings.
Great. Then it should be easy to determine that Coleen, Scarlette.Rae and Kennnedy69 are all the same deceitful person. Please report back with your findings. Originally Posted by hicks36
The staff here are not "required" to "report" back with our findings nor will we be doing so. Findings, like discipline are private matters between Staff and the parties involved in the discipline.

You will find that if you carefully read my last post, you will answer your own question. Unfortunately, that is as close to disclosure as the local Staff intends to come in this particular matter.
