A question for providers that hide their face in ads

I have been thinking about contacting a provider for an appointment for a couple of months. Having not seen her face I can't be sure, but the body looks like a lady I have met in real life and I think we may have mutual friends.

If I am correct, it would not bother me but she may be disturbed that I know her. I thought about sending her an email saying where I live and she looks familiar. My only concern is that she would be freaked out that some guy she doesn't know is on to her part time gig.

I think I know the right thing to do is just stay away in case I do know her but was curious if others have had this come up.

Any suggestions or comments?
Guest062512's Avatar
Sometimes a girl is reticent to put a face pic in her ads but will send you a face pic via email or text if you ask.

That might confirm for you.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I read something from another thread (can't remember where on eccie). The guy and lady actually did know each other. They visited and she called a friend of hers for him to enjoy.

If you're concerned, message her. Tell her your thoughts. Just be honest. If you schedule with her, and find out you both know each other tend to the issue at that time.

I've seen pic's of a couple of ladies bodies that are very much like ladies I know. However, I know where the other ladies live - different cities.

Hope this helps.
stevesanderson's Avatar
I have called a couple of providers I knew from real life, but didn't let on that I knew them on the phone. It was some of the best sex ever. Don't make a big deal of it or it will be awkward.
Personally, I'd be very upset if I found out someone contacted me and set up an appointment with me, KNOWING who I was and didn't tell me. I would not feel comfortable seeing someone I know in real life, especially if we have mutual friends. Just my personal view.
I actually had this happen...he will chime in if he feels like it...a couple years ago I had two (or three...can't remember) sessions with a gentleman who I found out, right before his arrival, was (is) my Uncle's best friend. I've known him since I was about 12 yr old. It got awkward so we stopped, but remain friends after a blood oath not to say a word. Even saw him at my Grandmother's memorial service. It's not 'weird' anymore but I wouldn't go BCD with him again because that probably would be.

I say that you should contact her, be upfront and honest...she might be into it, you never know. What is that saying about closed mouths? Asking beats the Hell out of surprising her.
Talk to her!!!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Folks need to go find the review by "The Scot" that he posted about having a session with someone he actually knew way, way. WAY too well when he was out of town.

I think it made it to the ASPD Hall of fame forum here.
Folks need to go find the review by "The Scot" that he posted about having a session with someone he actually knew way, way. WAY too well when he was out of town.

I think it made it to the ASPD Hall of fame forum here. Originally Posted by LazurusLong

that was the funniest review I ever read. I think it is in the archive section on here.

I have no interest in surprising anyone, I have had a couple utr surprises, a buddy's ex-wife and the mother of a kid on a baseball team I coached. Every time I see them now they look like they want to vomit.