Ladies: Making YOU Cum

Putting aside being eaten to orgasm for a moment, do you find it exciting or frustrating when most men use their fingers to make you cum?

Do most men know what they're doing or do you feel like he's using the same technique he learned for priming a lawnmower engine?
Honestly, I won't complain about it, but usually it doesn't do much for me. Mostly because 1) I'm always worried about whether or not he's washed his hands recently, 2) I'm always worried about how long or jagged his fingernails are and if there is any dirt under them, and 3) most men have never taken the time to learn how to properly stimulate a woman with his fingers. Seems to be something most guys try out as teenagers, and then never develop the skill any further. There are exceptions to every rule of course, and I've met some guys that were great at it.

As a hint, I know I'm not the only girl that worries about dirt and fingernails. If you want her to really relax and enjoy it, you might try making a point to wash your hands when you arrive and let her see that your fingernails are trimmed and clean. I am always much more into it when I know it's not going to cause me a painful infection.