Some disapprove of "oh God" during sex

Frankalicious's Avatar
For those of us who get vocal during the peak moments of great sex, there is a movement out there to culturally censor our freedom of speech in the privacy of our beds.

"If you’re asking about my personal opinion, there is no greater sin in terms of wrongly using God’s name than women who use it during sex. That is one of the filthiest, most derogatory and sinful uses of the Lord’s name I can think of. If it were up to me, I would put every single woman or girl who does that in jail. That would be a fine example of God’s wrath aimed at what is, in my opinion, a terrible misuse of our Maker’s good name.”
- Dr. John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio

If this bothers you, may I suggest "OOOOOH-din. Odin-Odin-Odin!"
(We're all heathens now.)

You are free to add your own deity's name. Suggestions welcome for the good of the community.
CG2014's Avatar
This Dr. John guy must never had good sex or must never had sex.

I would put every one that claims to be a church or a religious organization in jail because they use that status to not pay taxes and also use the money they collect from passing around that donation plate on personal expenses like big mansions and luxury cars with 5-6 digit price tags when they say that $ is supposed to go help the poor and can I get a hallelujah and an amen for helping the poor.
GingerKatt's Avatar
God gave us sex to enjoy and procreate. I don't personally say that myself, but certainly don't mind if others do. What a strange thing to be offended by. You're not supposed to use the Lord's name in vain. "Oh God" during sex is praise and thanks for his creation, it's CERTAINLY not in vain at all.

I am highly offended that this so called man of God considers God's greatest and MOST necessary gift for the continuation of our species, considers praising him during sex to be "filthy, derogatory and sinful." But ONLY for women apparently, and GIRLS? How sick to put the phrase women AND girls in this rant. He must like them young. And mute.
I'm not a fan of the GD word, but don't judge others.
Frankalicious's Avatar
Well said, Ginger.
I dont mind, its just sex...
That's silly. That's the number one way that I know I'm doing my job right. It's a necessary evil of whore performance evaluation.
Holy Tebow, that erect penis feels heavenly
TinMan's Avatar
So is he saying it's ok if guys say it during sex?
GingerKatt's Avatar
So is he saying it's ok if guys say it during sex? Originally Posted by TinMan

I think so, TinMan! Strange.
Praise God!!!
God created us to have sex and multiple filling the earth and to help ensure that we wanted to continue doing just that he added a load of extra sensory nerves to our nether regions just so we would praise his name each and every time! Oh God, Oh God, Oh God I am cumming, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I believe it is of the highest compliment we can give and not to give it should be looked upon as a sin!

And CG2014 is absolutely correct that any and all religious leaders of church's and organizations living above the moderate income level should be jailed for not using the tax free money to improve the communities and help the needy...shame on them and I hope there is a special place just for them deep down south!

Oh God I love how a hot women can make me feel.
Frankalicious's Avatar
Holy Tebow, that erect penis feels heavenly Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Damn, Yummy. That is one beautiful headshot you've got there in your avatar.
Glad you know your way around advertising, and giving good head.
Frankalicious's Avatar
"necessary evil of whore performance evaluation."

So funny, so true. I'm a groaner.
Frankalicious's Avatar
So is he saying it's ok if guys say it during sex? Originally Posted by TinMan
I guess so. It's that patriarchy we keep hearing about.
MarkusH's Avatar
Ginger and Yummy
Really? REALLY???? This over the top PC crap has gotten bad enough with a lot of things, but that???? Sounds like something my Christian Fundamentalist EX would say. I cannot fucking believe such shit.