Ladies contacting you?

flanker1017's Avatar
Does it bother any of you guys when a lady contacts you privately and lets you know they are available? Sometimes something like that reminds me that maybe it's time to see that lady again. Somebody that I might not have thought about for a while, you know, kind of gets them back in your rotation, maybe. I suppose it kind of depends on their attitude, but I have no problem with them contacting me all.
Don't start threads in Co-ed often ... it was just a thought.
If it’s someone ive seen before and know, then it doesn’t bother me. I’ve had providers who I have texted and didn’t hear back from until days later when they text me they are available and all sorts of red flags go up. Usually mark her as Uncle LEO until proven otherwise.
I guess it depends on HOW it’s done.
If I have seen them and they contact me it's no problem. You stand a better chance of getting an appt right away with them. I really only see 3 girls and they contact me on a regular basis. I do get a text on occasion from girls I haven't seen in a while and I will try and see them because they were nice enough to either think about me or I am not that far down the dialing for dollars list.
I have no issues with a lady contacting me if it’s someone I’ve already seen. And I tell them its okay to do so. I’m not hiding from anybody so there’s no one looking over my shoulder where it can cause a problem. I have one or two that will contact me from time to time and I try to see them if I can. Who knows I may be the very last one on their list. But since their kind enough to at least keep me near the list then I reply and set something up. least when they call you back they must at least semi enjoy their time with you.better than them not wanting to get back in touch with you.
Unfortunately, I’ve been ghosted by girls who’ve contacted me like Autumn Fox and Kara21.
hotrix1's Avatar
Unfortunately, I’ve been ghosted by girls who’ve contacted me like Autumn Fox and Kara21. Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore
Are you telling us they contacted you letting you know they're available then just ghost on you? That's some nerve. And if they've done that to you, I'm sure they've done it and gotten away with it before too. I had Autumn do that twice on me when I still hobbied in the Panhandle. Fucking SexyChloe was notorious for that. And a handful other good-if-you're-drunk Plan B or C hooktards in Mobile or the Panhandle.

I don't mind a girl letting me know she's available if I know her. It just pisses me off when one I contacted replies days later. Usually tell them not to contact me unless I contact them again. I have to go through so many of these hooktards it's hard to keep track which of them it is contacting me. if they can't be prompt, don't bother.
Sometimes when im going through my text or calls i see a number of on of my regulars or someone ive had a good time with because i seek regular arrangements. I also contact people back a day or 2 latet because im not working when they contacted me. And if someone contact me back like a wife or something i would always play it off like i had the wrong number of course
I get too many robo-calls. I always Google search a number before thinking about calling back. If your wife does that for you, you'll have a lot of 'splainin' to do.
I do not like the random text with a pic saying I am available.