Screening does it help, or hurt a providers business.

A previous discussion question got me to thinking about all of the so called eccie/safe-dependable/P411 providers. The providers that need personally acceptable providers from a dawg or P411 clearance. Now I have always looked at the hobby as a 2 way street there are risks for both the dawg and provider. I have often felt that a true dawg just lookin for a honest session is in the more vulnerable position of being screwed over. There is a alot of risk for the provider, but you have chosen a profession where the risk comes with the job. No one on either side of the transaction should ever be screwed over, but why do these so called seasoned providers put so much burden on the dawg. I honestly feel that this criteria costs many providers good clients.

Take for example a professional dawg thats just been introduced to the hobby. Maybe he has indulged in a street walker from time to time, but never realized until someone turned him on to Eccie, Backpage, EROS etc. that there was this huge market of women available 24/7. He is a novice to the escort scene and does not want to get burned, so he calls one of your dependable ECCIE providers for a session, and she asks for 3 references of providers he has seen, well at this point he does not have 3 references, so he is told if he has a P411 membership and is cleared then she will book a appointment with him. He looks into a P411 membership, besides the fee, P411 asks for three acceptable provider references, or he can give his personal information including real name, numbers to identify his identity last 4 ss#, driver lic. etc. He has to give his employer, and a employer contact number that will be called to confirm his employment. Now for most people in this day and age that is asking a little too much, I do not care how secure a site says they are information can be compromised and stolen, or if the Feds get a bug up their ass and decide to crack down on interstate prostitution and P411 is known as a screening data base for providers and clients the FEDS can force via supeana that all records be turned over. Just ask the Madam Hollywood, D.C. Madam, or Canal street brothel madam what methods the feds will use to get their records.

On the other hand the so called dependable providers that use this screening, many have not had to disclose their true identity, where they live, personal contact information etc. Most just used 3 other providers that were already screened as references, so as you see this so called verification and screening process is not as equal for both parties envolved. Then you have the ECCIE dependable/P411 provider wondeing why all the dawgs are calling BP providers that do minimal screening with less B.S.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
My understanding is that P411 is located in Canada (where our hobby is perfectly legal) and out of reach of any US justice system. I'm sure Gina might chime in on this one to clarify.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm sure there are providers who are extremely strict with their screening process, but there are also provider who are willing to work with a newbie. A lot of provider will say they are newbie friendly. We've had this discussion before. It has pretty much boiled down to a providers intuition on whom they see. If as a client, I can give a good vibe to a provider, I probably won't have to run the whole gauntlet of her screening process. I'll be uprfront with providers. I'll tell them what info I'm willing to give out and what info is too private. I'm always nice and cordial in my communications, but I put the ball in their court so to speak in terms of what I'm willing to give out in order to get a date.
Risk/reward analysis. There are lots of things businesses could do, but won't, because the return on investment isn't worth it.

Search the forum for "newbie-friendly", and happy hobbying.
GinaXXX's Avatar
numbers to identify his identity last 4 ss#, driver lic
We don't ask for ANYTHING that has anything to do with your ss#. I personally feel that's stepping way over the line in this community, but that's just my opinion.

The only thing that needs to match your DL is your first name and DAY of birth. We don't ask for any DL numbers, and I assure you there are many thousands of Bobs born on the 12th day of one of the months. This information could not be used to pinpoint you in the world.

The last 4 digits needs to match SOMETHING you carry in your wallet, but it could be your library card, or your zoo card for all I care. As long as you can show that this information matches the things you carry in your wallet, should the provider ask.

P411 is known as a screening data base for providers and clients the FEDS can force via supeana that all records be turned over.
We are 100% located in Canada, meaning myself and my staff live and work in Canada, as well as our servers being located in Canada. We answer to the Canadian legal system (not the American), and in Canada the government stays out of adult person's bedrooms.

Warmest regards,
At least as far as I am concerned, a provider and hobbyist exist not in opposition but in symbiosis.

My safety is her safety. Her safety is my safety. Anything that benefits one, benefits both.

The hobby is not a finite pie in which anything taken by one automatically becomes unavailable to the other. Rather, that pie can be made bigger through investments of goodwill.

When I know a provider screens, that makes me feel safer in my choice to see her.

And, frankly, I tend to like the ladies I see as people; so the fact she screens makes me feel better generally about her wellbeing.

So with me anyway, it helps her business.

Granted, sometimes it can be a bit esoteric or a bit of a pain; but to me it is worth it.
GinaXXX's Avatar
My safety is her safety. Her safety is my safety. Anything that benefits one, benefits both.
Brilliant, imo.

Everything in hobbyworld is a choice. A lady may choose to screen to avoid ugly situations like being arrested, assaulted, or spending time with someone who is difficult to be around. A gentleman can choose to either be screened or not see her. Does it hurt a lady's business to screen? In a way, maybe. But there are so many people in hobbyworld that there is always someone else right around the corner... Both on the provider's side and hobbyist's.

Its like a company making a policy to not hire people with a criminal record. Does it reduce the total number of potential employees? Yes. Will the company still have enough good prospects contact them even with the criminals eliminated? Yes. So there you go.

Screening is just something that has to be done. We miss out on some potentially good newbie clients, but I personally like to keep my money, rather than take extra risks and spend it where Id rather not
ForumPoster's Avatar
Yes, I turn away a lot of business due to screening. And I am a newbie friendly lady. However, if someone can't provide references and won't submit enough info for me to feel safe, I will pass on appointment.

Short term it costs lost income opportunity.

However, being arrested or having to go to emergency room involve a lot more expense than appointments i miss out on.

Providers who screen definitely will lose some guys' business as a result. But, if they are in the $200+/hour range, I frankly doubt they're losing much business because the guys who play in this range are mostly screened or have references. By definition, any guy who does this more than very infrequently should have multiple references.

The other thing you have to consider is that they will also pick up some business as a result of screening. I much prefer providers who screen. Women who take care of their business and safety well are attractive to me. More professionalism outside the bedroom equals a better experience inside the bedroom IMHO. Also, once she screens me she knows I'm legit so she will be more comfortable with me. And, the more relaxed and comfortable she is the better and more fun the session is for me. So, all things being equal, I'd choose a provider who screens over one who doesn't.

Finally, even if a gal loses some business overall because of screening, you have to weigh that against the intangible gains she gains by screening. I'd think avoiding one particularly abusive hobbyist or thief or LE would be worth many, many missed legit appointments.
On the other hand the so called dependable providers that use this screening, many have not had to disclose their true identity, where they live, personal contact information etc. Most just used 3 other providers that were already screened as references, so as you see this so called verification and screening process is not as equal for both parties envolved. Then you have the ECCIE dependable/P411 provider wondeing why all the dawgs are calling BP providers that do minimal screening with less B.S.

Originally Posted by LOOKING-XXX-RATED
I would like to think that I am dependable and trustworthy. I had to take the plunge and see a couple hobbiests without p411, screening as much as I could and hoping they were ok. I had to PROVE MYSELF to ECCIE to become a verified provider, and then to p411 to use their service.

I had to have several reviews from well-established reviewers. NO PROVIDER VOUCHED FOR ME - none gave me references, and THIS IS NOT something p411 does anyway. I tried it. I had to be reviewed. Period. End of story.

There is NO easy way out for providers, as you're insinuating. We all have hoops to jump through. We may not have to tell our real names, but our hobbiests, once they see us, know our locations, what our cars look like, if we have tattoos, what our homes look like, etc, unless you do outcall at a hotel.

If you can't run with the big DAWGS, then stay on the porch. have chosen a profession where the risk comes with the job. Originally Posted by LOOKING-XXX-RATED
And you have chosen a hobby where the risk has to be compared to the reward. If the risk to you is greater than the reward, find another hobby. Otherwise there has to be some measure of trust for this hobby to succeed at all. Considering the YEARS it's been this way and the AMOUNT of people who are screened every day by a provider on the board compared to how many times personal information is really compromised, you will find it's a small percentage.

...Then you have the ECCIE dependable/P411 provider wondeing why all the dawgs are calling BP providers that do minimal screening with less B.S. Originally Posted by LOOKING-XXX-RATED
Nope, I don't wonder at all. BP providers are there for the guys who want their cake and be able to eat it too. However, upon looking at the reviews, a large percentage of the "alerts" and no recommendations are from hmmmm BP providers who don't screen. Now you can blow your 200 bucks on a bad experience simply because she doesn't screen or you can jump through the hoops for a great experience with a careful provider for the same 200.

Honestly, it's up to you. You have options and I for one am not going to tell you how to hobby as I don't want to be told how to screen as part of my business. Isn't living in a free country grand?
If you can't run with the big DAWGS, then stay on the porch. Originally Posted by okcMassageGirl

Yes it hurts, but safety first.

Acouple of providers have already mentioned this, but there are plenty of newbie friendly providers here on eccie. Now some newbies do not have etiquette, ask too many indiscreet questions and freak us out. Therefore making it hard for other newbies who do the right thing.

If you do the right thing and treat the ladies right, you have some refs to give to the ladies when you call. Shucks you should get two refs in no time.

Happy Hobbying :-)
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-29-2010, 02:40 PM
On the other hand the so called dependable providers that use this screening, many have not had to disclose their true identity, where they live, personal contact information etc. Most just used 3 other providers that were already screened as references, so as you see this so called verification and screening process is not as equal for both parties envolved. Originally Posted by LOOKING-XXX-RATED
On the contrary, the hobbyist actually has the advantage when it comes to the level of screening, provided they care to use it. Often times to the nth degree. In the hobbyist's case, "screening" is also referred to as "reading reviews". I've yet to see a girl with fewer than 20 reviews on various sites at the time i made my choice. That's 20 people telling me she isn't LE, that she isn't going to bash me on the back of the head and walk away with my money while i'm unconscious on the floor, and 20 people telling me that she won't show up in a drunken stupor. She, on the other hand, rarely asks for more than 2 or 3 people telling her the same about me. So if you want to get into who is likely to know more about whom in that one instant where the door is opened and the 2 of you come face to face for the first time, all i can say is i'd rather be in my position than her's. In volumes.