Possible Ebola case in NY City?

He was working with Ebola patients in Guinea and returned to NY about 10 days ago:


Watch the video. He was feeling sluggish and tired yesterday and developed a 103 degree fever today.

His girlfriend is also being watched.

They should have test results for him later today.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
He was working with Ebola patients in Guinea and returned to NY about 10 days ago:


Watch the video. He was feeling sluggish and tired yesterday and developed a 103 degree fever today.

His girlfriend is also being watched.

They should have test results for him later today. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Send him to UTMB!!
They should have listened to your advice about a travel ban from those infected countries.
Looks like I should have waited a few more minutes:


The doctor tested positive for Ebola.
It will be interesting to see how much panic they have in New York compared to Texas. I thought TX handled it well - thought maybe not the media.

In NY, the doctor rode the subway on the No. 1, the A, and the L lines. And he took some Uber rides:


And he went bowling to boot. In wonder how much longer that place will be in business. Would you stick your fingers into a bowling ball from that place?
cowboy8055's Avatar
It will be quite a task tracking down everyone who may have come into contact with this doctor. A bit reckless on his part.
flghtr65's Avatar

Would you stick your fingers into a bowling ball from that place? Originally Posted by ExNYer
The Ebola virus can survive for several hours on a surface. Would not want to go bowling for 24 hours after the doctor had been there.
flghtr65's Avatar
It will be quite a task tracking down everyone who may have come into contact with this doctor. A bit reckless on his part. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
He was following the CDC protocol. They told him not to go to work at the hospital for 21 days and to do self monitoring(take temperature twice a day). The protocol should be changed to be quarantined for 21 days, instead of just don't go work for 21 days if you have been treating Ebola patients. He started to show symptoms 11 days after leaving West Africa, just a little past the half way point of the incubation period.
He was following the CDC protocol. They told him not to go to work at the hospital for 21 days and to do self monitoring(take temperature twice a day). The protocol should be changed to be quarantined for 21 days, instead of just don't go work for 21 days if you have been treating Ebola patients. He started to show symptoms 11 days after leaving West Africa, just a little past the half way point of the incubation period. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Finally you woke up.
flghtr65's Avatar
Finally you woke up. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I am still against a travel ban. You don't want people trying to sneak in. Not all countries stamp the passport. It is better to identify everyone who comes in. Anyone who has been seeing patients in West Africa should be quarantined for 21 days before they travel to some other country.

If it is not ok for the doctor to go to work at the hospital for 21 days, he should not be going to a restaurant or on the subway in NYC either.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah let's not hurt the economies of these countries by instituting a travel ban; it just would not be fair. They shouldnt be punished for being the only places that have Ebola. They should share the wealth with the rest of us.
Yep we don't want out healthcare workers or military to be able to come home.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
If it is not ok for the doctor to go to work at the hospital for 21 days, he should not be going to a restaurant or on the subway in NYC either. Originally Posted by flghtr65
being a doctor in a hospital where you can spread dz is not hte same as being on a subway
The primary screening of arrivals (from Ebola hot zones) is body temperature.

Do you know how easy it is mask body temperature with over the counter Tylenol?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2014, 07:33 AM
Much ado about nothing.

A Dr. treating Ebola patients in Africa get's Ebola. He comes home and self monitors, reports fever and is now in lockdown.

Of course the loonies will scream that he could have gotten people sick when in fact that is not true. Just as no one who was not knee deep in shit and vomit did not catch Ebola in Texas , so too will nobody get Ebola from this doctor.......but then science does not sell newspapers and TV ratings. frear and ignorance do. Of which there is plenty of both in this forum.

For you to say that the doctor COULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN OTHERS SICK is just plain stupid and shows you don't comprehend what is going on.

Do you know his girlfriend is now in quarantine; and another person? Are you saying you know for a fact the girl friend is NOT infected? Is that not "could have" ?

You are clueless as to what "could have" occurred in the time frame that this guy has been sick.

Do you know that the WHO is now saying 41 days is the time Ebola can be dormant? So the CDC's 21 day quarantine maybe wrong by a factor of 2x.

If the WHO is correct, do you think it is possible that Duncan's family members who just came out of a 21 day quarantine could still be infected and don't know it, haven't developed symptoms yet?

You think that could be a possibility?

Much ado about nothing.

A Dr. treating Ebola patients in Africa get's Ebola. He comes home and self monitors, reports fever and is now in lockdown.

Of course the loonies will scream that he could have gotten people sick when in fact that is not true. Just as no one who was not knee deep in shit and vomit did not catch Ebola in Texas , so too will nobody get Ebola from this doctor.......but then science does not sell newspapers and TV ratings. frear and ignorance do. Of which there is plenty of both in this forum.

Originally Posted by WTF