Poor Bill Clinton Clinton

bambino's Avatar
So, he disgraces himself and the office of POTUS. Now he has to traipse around the country stumping for Hillary who he gives a fuck about. Say what you will, but Slick Willy was a savvy politician. He knows Hillary doesn't have an Asswipes chance of being elected. I'm thinking he would rather spend his last days fucking trailer trash. Karma's a bitch. What say you?
lustylad's Avatar
Let him traipse. He's a poster child for... the Democrats' War on Women!

my favorite!

on second thought...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Bill actually believes the hype ...

.... one of their (Hillarious and Bilk) problems is they must go through the exercise of campaigning to the bitter end so they can justify the extortion money they've already raked in and the gravy they will pull in during the next six to eight months ... the longer she can stay "close to a finish" the more buck they can extract from those to whom they have made promises ..... visits to the WH ... select parties .... approvals from administrative officials .... special pressure over seas with those who OUT SOURCE* to other countries to make money.

*See Ken Lay + Enron + Indian power plant + Afghan pipeline.

For the "naysayers" ... http://www.wnd.com/2002/10/15425/

ala Harvard University Kennedy School did its study and reported it:

"Top Clinton officials lobbied Indian officials to help Enron CEO Kenneth Lay, a frequent visitor to the Clinton White House, obtain Indian state guarantees for the project after it hit snags in 1995.

"On Clinton’s orders, his then-chief of staff Thomas “Mack” McLarty made closing the deal a top priority.

"Also helping speed the project along were Clinton Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary and Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, who invited Lay and other Enron officials on a succession of trade missions to India, as WorldNetDaily first reported Jan.
11. OPIC officials joined them on the junkets. Clinton’s ambassador to India Frank Wisner, who along with McLarty performed work for Enron after leaving the administration, also rode herd on the Dabhol project.

“We had a lot of access in the Clinton administration,” Lay told PBS’ “Frontline” in a May 22, 2001, interview."

Hillarious getting lessons ...

...on how to leverage being in the White House!!!!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I love your cartoons