Texas 30.06 and 30.07 Signage. What kind of Crap Postings Have You Seen?

nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 06-24-2017, 09:48 AM
Walked in this retail place the other day. It did not have a 30.06 or 30.07 sign on entrance door. Got to the elevator and no signage on outside of the elevator. Road the elevator up and finally noticed what appeared to be a small homemade sign on the inside of the elevator.

I know some of you must have a story to tell. Lot's of people seem to be confused by the proper posting of 30.06 and 30.07 signs.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I prefer the 7.62 Nato round myself.
All the place needs is the State issued 30.06 and 30.07 signs outside their doors.
Once inside they can fashion any sign to REMIND you of those signs you breezed by when you walked in.
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 06-24-2017, 10:46 AM
I did not breeze by any signs on exterior doors. I actually double checked all the doors. No 30.06 or 30.07 signs at all. The posting inside the elevator was not legal either. Looked like someone taped it on the inside of the elevator just because they hate people with guns. They need to have a legal sign posted somewhere or just tell you to get out of here.

Signage Law is listed in Chapter 30. Texas PC 30.06 and 30.07 Signage Law.
Best sign I've seen is at Hobby Airport departure building entrance. It states: "No Unlicensed Firearms Allowed"

So tell me what's wrong with that statement.....the dumb fucks.

nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 06-24-2017, 02:56 PM
Hobby in Airport would fall under Section 46.03

You can not take a gun into the secured part of the airport.

The sign posted in you picture, suggests that as long as your licensed, your good to go, which is not the case for the secured part on the airport. You can not have a firearm at the screening checkpoint in the airport whether you are licensed or not. If you forget you have your concealed handgun, you better immediately exit that checkpoint.
^^^^^ you missed it. read the sign again.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Kinda hard for a gun to be licensed lol
and.....a WINNER!!!!!!!
dtymh55's Avatar
The person must be licensed, The firearm is not able to apply for one.
but what do they mean in other states where you have to get a license or permit just to own the fuckin gun. how does that work? you need one for each gun?

remember when the press or somebody up northeast published names and addresses of gun owners.

some people blamed the press....i blame the fuckin state for requiring such over reach.

anybody know?
Slitlikr's Avatar
Basically a registry.
You can get a permit to own a pistol in a state like NY for example.
Once approved, register subsequent purchases.
no thanck you.
Yep.....another vitaman
loveitdou's Avatar
Well I have carried concealed for over 30 years. I do carry legally whenever/where ever possible. I never carry in Govt buildings or airports. Though I do put my guns in my checked bags (legally) when I fly.

I do read the 30.06 & 30.07 signs, they MUST be worded correctly to be legally binding. I see many signs that do not fit the legal requirements so are not binding. IMO places that forbid guns are just targets for the crazy or criminal element as a result I carry there also...In Texas only because the fine is minimal and not a felony. I have never had to pull my weapon on anyone...If possible I do practice every week, usually shooting 100 rounds each from 3 guns that I carry (not at once though I have carried 2 at once at times) and am an exceptional shot in off hand shooting at up to 30 feet, shot competitively in my 20's. In those days I practiced 1,000 rounds a month for off hand competition and shot 100% almost every time. I used my 357 in Viet Nam and my men were amazed at how I never missed. I sincerely hope that I Never have to use any gun on anyone again.

I carry now mostly because I refuse to be a victim.