Hobby History

Does anyone know how far back in history this bizz really goes?
When did ladies decide to profit off their goodies?
I know it goes pretty far back I'm just curious to when and how it originated...anyone have a clue?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im sure as soon as man invented the wheel that ladies were willing to give it up for a ride lol
But I can say with some confidence that wherever there have been money, goods, or services to be bartered, somebody has bartered them for sex.

Records say 2400 BC in history though
burkalini's Avatar
I'm sure some cave woman gave it up to get some dinner or shelter. Shit it hasn't changed much has it?
awl4knot's Avatar
Gee, just google "history of prostitution" and you will find the answer: 18th Century BC in Mesopotamia.
pyramider's Avatar
So we are in Iraq protecting the founding land of the hobby. Now that makes more sense than any other.
I could google it but its just so much better to get emails throughout the day of everyones oponions and thoghts on it especially when they put a comical twist it it
Send a PM to I B Hankering. He's a history nut & will certainly know the answer to this question w/o even looking it up. lol
gimme_that's Avatar
I'm not so good at quoting history....but I do remember of this king I read a quote of in wstern civilization class that said he never took shower often at all. He felt after wars and expeditions the natural lubrication of women during sex was cleansing enough to negate having to bath.

But of course people back then used leaves and honey as forms of contraceptives as well. So it goes back pretty far too some extent I'm sure.
awl4knot's Avatar
I could google it but its just so much better to get emails throughout the day of everyones oponions and thoghts on it especially when they put a comical twist it it
Right? Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly
0kay, I'll buy into that, though I'm not sure of the comic potential of 4000 year old working girls.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
0kay, I'll buy into that, though I'm not sure of the comic potential of 4000 year old working girls. Originally Posted by awl4knot
I think its funny, imagining a cave woman hooker sex

0kay, I'll buy into that, though I'm not sure of the comic potential of 4000 year old working girls. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Well that made me laugh...lol
setman's Avatar
Setty found the answer in the Bible!!

Enjoy yourself.

Stay safe.

Be cool.

Certainly further back than 1800 BC. I feel safe in saying that Prostitution surely exisited in 4000 BC Old Kingdom Egypt.

Of course, no one knows the real answer, as written History only goes back so far. But they do not call it "the worlds oldest profession" fo no reason.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
This one will never be answered, but I am sure it came before all the religions that have developed since, and have tried to condemn it.
Still Looking's Avatar
Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the snake. The snake didn't have a leg to stand on!