Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, etc.

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I have so far successfully avoided Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter (except for one day when I got some giggles off of a Twitterer called shitmydadsays). Not having seen the need, and lacking the desire, to sign up for them, I'm still ignorant of what their allure might be.

I've seen quite a few retailers, large and small, promoting their pages at the various sites, and that got me to wondering: Does anyone use any of these, or any similar sites, in any hobby-related capacity? If so, how? If not, and, if you're famialir with the sites, do you have any brainstorming ideas?
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I know of at least 2 ladies who use MySpace, plus one UTR who will give you her ID after a session.

Only one kind of bothered me. When I went to the pics section it had her working pics mixed in with her kids' pics. For some reason that made me a tad uncomfortable.

I'd never use Facebook to hobby. The way it's set up makes it too easy for anyone linked to you to figure out what's up, and setting up a second hobby Facebook would be a pain in the ass.
dallasfanboy's Avatar
Unless you know how to separate your friends list and your hobby list (which most people dont) I wouldn't use Facebook for any of your hobby needs, unless you specifically make a hobby profile account and even then it's risky at best if you want to remain UTR. Even if you do know how to separate friends from co-workers and other people in the hobby, you might screw up along the way, and your friends can find out more than you want them to know.
berkleigh's Avatar
"Berkleigh" has her own of which its only about berk and friends. I have personal account for family and would never mix the two.
I've been on those sites and yes, I even have a profile but it has NOTHING to do with the hobby.

I don't see the big attraction either. I have friends who are addicted and my own child spends WAY too much time on there but hey, it keeps her out of the bars! LOL!

THIS place is plenty for me.
xperiment's Avatar
I like it because allows me to keep in touch with old friends. It also helps with old friends finding you or you finding them. Also it is very easy to setup events, such as hey I'm going to the Burlesque Festival in Dallas on Feb 5th and 6th, let me invite friends. Its a easier way to use then evite since its embedded in Facebook.
  • Holly
  • 01-31-2010, 06:00 AM
Myspace is how my family found out about what I do with my "extra time" LOL...uhhh it was ugly but that was before you could make everything private. I dont think its a good idea to advertise on there...people who would never go looking for an escort find you on those sites...

Just my 2 cents...if it works for you awesome...just didn't workout so well for me
Don't go and won't go and get an account with any of them. I like my life private. I keep in touch with the people I want to, not someone I may have gone to school with at one time who now wants to tell me about his/her life everyday when I don't care.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I'm still trying to figure out the Twitter thing, but it seems like it might be very useful to hobbyists and ladies in at least one way: A lady could send tweets on her availability. Guys who had a short-notice window of opportunity arise could check her Twitter feed, which might say, for example, "available 2-4 p.m. today" or "not available this afternoon" and act accordingly. Seems like it would work; the key would be for her not clutter up her feed with "my pet cat got sick" posts.