I'm done with the hate!!!!

MorganOBM's Avatar
I've been a guilty party the entire time do I'm not trying to act innocent. I've been emotional about the business. I love Pittsburgh and it's hard not to be, but it's important not to be!

I'm sorry Gabrielle for judging your need for attention. I'm sorry Dreamgurl for questioning your motives. You both are beautiful people in your own way.

I have been emotional in the Pittsburgh scene for years. I'm done. I love what I do even if it's just a business. I'm sorry to everyone I thought it was otherwise which would be fellow workers.

If you are a street girl or a millionaire I support you. I apologize if I ever looked down on you. I'm done being friends but never done helping my sisters.

From now on, I have no desire to be friends with a provider. I just want to go forward and worry about me and who I'm making happy. I'm sorry for bringing up stupid shit about PI from years ago. It makes me look weak.

All is good, this is a business not a friendship. My apologies for being immature.
Life is a series of ups, downs, and learning events.

Live your life for yourself, be able to look at yourself honestly in the mirror. Don't judge yourself for being flawed but embrace your individuality as a stand alone person.

We are all flawed, ego centric, and otherwise lacking in one form or another. Know one's self, celebrate the accomplishments, and improve the areas of want or need.

In the end, tomorrow is another day, with new chances for reconciliation and movement forward. Therefore, look with anticipation for the dawn, to have a chance at a new day with many positive actions and interactions.
t-bird57's Avatar
Forgiveness has to come before reconciliation, or its not possible to reconcile but that doesnt mean reconciliation is possible or a must. This is a stumbling block for many the lack of understanding between the terms. You must forgive or the bitterness will literally destroy you. However there is no guarantee reconcilation will be desired and thats ok it doesn't have to be. Forgive, forget, move on, if reconciliation occurs great if not its no excuse not to forgive.
MorganOBM's Avatar
I'm truly sorry. DG is not a cunt. Gabrielle is not crazy. I think we all need to sit back and think. Someone who said my screening process was idiotic is now my friend. Let's just get alon
MorganOBM's Avatar
And I totally agree and understand forgiveness, but I think the mistake I've made and many others have made is being emotionally invested in something that is a business. At the end of the day we all are on the same side. I need to worry about myself, everyone needs to do the same and be supportive to others without making it emotionally taxing.
Hey I totally agree with you. Recently, I took a good look in the mirror after trying to be friends with a provider. Thought I was doing what is right and lending a helping hand. It's business, nothing more.
t-bird57's Avatar
...Thought I was doing what is right and lending a helping hand. It's business, nothing more. Originally Posted by Looker151
Tru dat we all learn the hard way. You young'ins take note save yourself great time and trouble. Its been said "One does not simply save a hoe" Now, that doesnt necessarily mean none are "saveable" but man its definitely never simple and it won't get you more sex, matter of fact if it turns into a "friendship" its little to no sex, lol.
MorganOBM's Avatar
It's like the end of the mean girls movie. You try to destroy others and end up losing yourself. The past is the past and will stay there. Too much bitching these days (include myself lol).

Don't like someone? Ignore them. Don't like a girl's rates or screening? Don't see them. A review too sappy for you? Don't read it. Hate the new Indys? Don't join or build your own phpbb site. Someone hurt you in the past? Get over it and learn from it.

I'm taking my own advice as well. It's all forward from here and the future is bright.
dj8rocks's Avatar
This is probably one of the most inspiring posts I have read since I have become a member here. It took some guts to step out and admit fault and open your soul to set things right within your own heart while putting it in a context for all the rest of us to see how we are so easily caught up in the negative aspect of interactions, getting caught up in the back and forth, taking sides in a battle that don't affect us and many more examples each and everyone of us can relate to given our own unique personality.

My hats off to you Ms Morgan.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
It was a stressful time for everyone involved, Morgan. Like I said when we spoke yesterday, I appreciate the apology. It’s not the first I’ve received and I’m sure it won’t be the last. It really does mean a lot to me, I know apologies aren’t easy for most people. I don’t think it really changes how I feel about our relationship in the future, but it’s nice to clear the air. Have a peaceful day everyone
bambino's Avatar
It was a stressful time for everyone involved, Morgan. Like I said when we spoke yesterday, I appreciate the apology. It’s not the first I’ve received and I’m sure it won’t be the last. It really does mean a lot to me, I know apologies aren’t easy for most people. I don’t think it really changes how I feel about our relationship in the future, but it’s nice to clear the air. Have a peaceful day everyone Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
When are you going to apologize for your deeds? Oh forget I asked.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
When are you going to apologize for your deeds? Oh forget I asked. Originally Posted by bambino
Such as?
Why the fuck do you even have anything to say in this conversation other than apologizing?

Way to ruin a nice thread. Still not sure why you are so obsessed with me. Get over it dude .

Your only value on any forum board is post count for the board to get advertisers. You bring drama to any and every thread. I limited your posting ability on TOS because post counts don’t mean a whole lot for advertisers when they are coming from Folks who will never be a client. words mater
Such as?
Why the fuck do you even have anything to say in this conversation other than apologizing?

Way to ruin a nice thread. Still not sure why you are so obsessed with me. Get over it dude .

Your only value on any forum board is post count for the board to get advertisers. You bring drama to any and every thread. I limited your posting ability on TOS because post counts don’t mean a whole lot for advertisers when they are coming from Folks who will never be a client. words mater Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
Not to butt my nose to far into something that isn't my fight but let me say something.

Sometimes the best way to win is to deny the fight.

Every response adds more potential for feedback. Long story short, it's not always worth it to have the last word.

Just a suggestion ��.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Not to butt my nose to far into something that isn't my fight but let me say something.

Sometimes the best way to win is to deny the fight.

Every response adds more potential for feedback. Long story short, it's not always worth it to have the last word.

Just a suggestion ��. Originally Posted by swtslnce
You are right .
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Not to butt my nose to far into something that isn't my fight but let me say something.

Sometimes the best way to win is to deny the fight.

Every response adds more potential for feedback. Long story short, it's not always worth it to have the last word.

Just a suggestion ��. Originally Posted by swtslnce
At the same time. I’m not afraid to stand up to bullies. Not trying to get the last word... or was that meant for him??
Some bullies don’t even shut up when you don’t engage them. This had nothing to do with him.
I’ll speak up when I see fit
I know how dare I? Just another hoe looking to be “saved”
“Shut up you dumb hoe. Know your place. Know when to shut it. “

That’s essentially what you said with your comment. It’s easy to have that POV from your POV.

Im not scared .

Now , back to the topic...

No more haterade? Guess the previous poster didn’t get the message .