
JennerJammer's Avatar

A review turns into a discussion of physical attraction and he has to shut it down? Censorship by the spineless. While I'm at it, DD, while you're trying to assert yourself, pronouns should have a reference. When you say 'this' needs to stop, you should have the decency, and intelligence, to define what 'this' is.

I don't really think DD is stupid, but there's little choice. I do think he is lazy and scared.

I guess I'll see ya's next time around folks, as I've drawn a line in the sand. But let me be clear...it's moderating like DD's that makes Upset trash. The multi-handled are a result, not a cause. You long-timers that care should bend St. C's ear for better. Your reviews deserve it.

Peace out.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Found the review insightful, on the dental care side. Too bad dorkness had to go renegade
trojantide's Avatar
I guess if your objective in being here is something other than obtaining info about hookers, this kinda meaningless shit will upset you.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Where shall we set the over? Will it be a be a new or old handle?
Where shall we set the over? Will it be a be a new or old handle? Originally Posted by trojantide
A few of the old ones are about due to come out of hibernation.....

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I participated in that discussion and thought it was relatively benign. Plus everyone was behaving in a civil manner which is practically a miracle. But if it was worthy of going any further with it maybe a thread could have been started other than in the review section? It seems like a minor thing.
DDarkness's Avatar

The review had been taken so far off track that it had to be closed!

Spineless? Lazy & Scared? You are entitled to your opinion just as everyone is! If a thread is taken off course it will be shut down BUT if there is a discussion that people want to have that is not directly related to the review they have other forums that they can post in!

Thank you for contributions and best wishes!

Found the review insightful, on the dental care side. Too bad dorkness had to go renegade Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
Hope you're not suggesting someone is going rogue like you know who???....