Hey Russ!

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
This here's for you:


Never heard of it until today when I was wandering around in the book-gitting place and saw it...does this pretty much cover your waterfront...?

A good subtitle would have been "Stay Low When the Shootin' Starts".
Russ38's Avatar
Ya see, even The Reich couldn't help but love those little fuckers.... Thanks Don, that will make for excellent reading material in the shitter....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-11-2015, 12:51 PM
You could burn 3 of them for every normally sized Jew.
Russ38's Avatar
You could burn 3 of them for every normally sized Jew. Originally Posted by Trey
That would be such a waste though Trey....these little fuckers don't grow on trees ya know....Prob why Dr. Mengele kept them alive...or maybe...he cracked the midget code and was working on the next Nazi super weapon....a whole army of those little motherfuckers storming across Europe....now wouldn't that have been a sight to see....
Hard to tell if the ladies' skulls have flat tops .....

..... without their heads shaved.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^Awesome.... Heh, I'm thinking Don has much luv for tha munchkins as well....
That little dude got the stand up model.