My Response

Secret_Amore's Avatar
So I've been away for a while not because I was scared off or anything i have just developed a high ever increasing level of disinterest. I saw that my BP Girl thread got close. It was actually Rockerrick who brought it to my attention at the last M&G ght= because a few ladies so some reason decided they needed to posin something I personally though was good and had/has lots of potential.

initially when I read through everything that was said in my absence i was emotionally defensive and angry but that was well about 6weeks ago the flames of indignation have died and I won't rekindle them cause I don't care to fight or start anything.

most of the points/questions/concern whatever the ladies who got the thread closed voiced were not new. Ms. Lilly had already said generally the same things to me prior to those other ladies so I will post what i said to her here as an open response to those other girls addressing their whatever points/questions/concerns because what i said to lilly applies to them aswell.

most of the girls I said were safe are girls who also have an eccie profile and/or have been reviewed on eccie. so that makes them just as "safe" as any eccie girl who doesn't post on BP. 19trees wrote a post once can't remember the tread about it was about how he had seen a BP girl and she mention she stays away from eccie because some of the drama. eccie (yes just like any forum) has alot of drama I mean did you read what some of the guys were saying in that thread about the escort the got shot. "she deserved it she ripped him off" "guess escort will continue thinking they can blah blah blah " yea if it wasn't for the fact that b/c of eccie I got a couple of review and was able to get on Date-check and P411 I wouldn't want to be apart of that site either. so just cause a girl doesn't want to be on eccie or NR or TER of whatever doesn't mean she's isn't safe and on the up and up.

also honesly if I were to look at every provider as competition My ego would be shot to hell I can list 10 verified providers on eccie who are prettier then me AND list more competitive prices i.e lower then mine. I mean shayla offers BnG....I don't

I see reviews of verified provders on eccie giving 50-$80 BnG how is that any better then BP girls??? or 60-$80 hh

if a guy doesn't wanna break $100 to get some action he's not gonna and there will always be someone on eccie NR TER or BP who will take the $60

also I find it sad to see so many alert of guys being ripped off on BP not all girls who post there are not legit. There's a handful of verified eccie girls who utilize it too. SexyVeronica uses it quite regularly

and the girls I labeled as safe who aren't of eccie they are the ones who don't change names & number 5x a month and don't use fake pics. No I can't say 100% they are safe. its just highly likely The only thing "hurting" fellow providers is ladies who ruin the hobby with their scams.

All I ever did was provide my research finding on a girl.
My research and Thread probably did help someone the guys as i intended
and I DID help out a fellow provider as i discovered during my research a BP girl she has stolen the pics of a fellow provider here on eccie from Kansas Miss Paige Le'Monte. I message her even to let her know that her pics were being use and directed her to the thread.

someone the ladies claimed that what i was doing wasn't helping and even as best as i can remember made it out like I'm some hoe whistle blower or turn coat betrayer blah like what i was was hurting other ladies. if making a list of scam girls and stopping other girls from stealing and possibly ruining the reputation of verified providers break this damn "Hoe Code" then i'd do it again as I don't see how it should be acceptable to allow unreputable girls scam the gentlemen we service and steal pics and potentially ruin the reputation of "legit" providers should be fucking acceptable. but whatever.

Number: 469 744 3661
Pics?: Stolen from a verified eccie provider in KansasCity
Age(s): 20
BP Ad:
Risk Lvl: HIGH B&S
History: here is the real providers
she fairly new I PMed her the link of the girl stealing her pic. Originally Posted by Secret_Amore
My name is paige And those pictures are the first professional pictures I had done back in January I have been a member on eccie since January and have never been to Texas. I asked the girl to take them down in a text message that she ignored. Originally Posted by paige le'monte
Eventually the girl (picture thief) did take the pictures down

anyways I've said my piece on these events. to you ladies who didn't like my thread you can take you useless opinions and shove them out the window because while you were bitching and not contributing anything useful to the community I was going something that actually helped. so SUCK IT.