How buried under the radar can one be? ;)

I've been on Eccie since 2008, changed handles for no reason and never had drama swirl around any name. Around 2 years ago I decided I liked being anonymous and burried way below any radar.

I pop my head up every so often to check out what's going on in the social world of Eccie

How far is too burried UTR? Better yet how close is too close to the spotlight? Do you prefer when your gal pal is not easily searched or does it excite you to see her on every Eccie link and as page?
bored@home's Avatar
So far buried that messages go unread is too far, on every post and thread is too much. Somewhere between is cool but it's a fine line based on content.
Guest113018-1's Avatar
You have a profile here and on p411, so you are easy to find and you have enough reviews that one can make an informed decision about seeing you. Not posting often or being active on the boards is not really under the radar, in my opinion, more low profile.
  • Gbfsl
  • 11-12-2016, 05:59 AM
I like it better when the "regulars" I see are UTR and/or don't encourage clients to write reviews that often. I have a tendency to see just a few regulars and I prefer not to see reviews every day of their activity. Even though I know they see guys every day I don't like the daily reminder that all the BS they tell me they also tell every other guy they see. It kind of spoils the fantasy I have built of this hobby world I play in. The reviews are great as a marketing/advertising tool for you, but seeing them occasionally is my preference.

And I don't like to see it when ladies answer too many ISO's. Here I really like being UTR the best. If you want to answer a call for an ISO, send a PM rather than broadcast to the world you are available. Just my opinion.

So my preference.....UTR.
verygood69's Avatar
Hell, I'm glad you popped your head out!!!!
^^^ me too hot fun tall biker babe
whitechocolate's Avatar
For a gal as hotttttt as you, if you are looking for more clients then you are definitely too far under the radar!