Labor Secretary Hilda Solis resigns

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Labor Secretary Hilda Solis resigns

Published January 09, 2013

Washington – Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is the latest member of President Obama’s cabinet to call it quits
Solis, a long-time member of the president inner circle handed in her resignation Wednesday afternoon, confirms.
The White House was quick to point out that three Cabinet members were staying put: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Attorney General Eric Holder and Veteran Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki.
Obama issued a statement Wednesday praising Solis as a “tireless champion for working familiar.”
"Over the last four years, Secretary Solis has been a critical member of my economic team as we have worked to recover from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and strengthen the economy for the middle class," Obama said.
As one of the highest-ranking Hispanics in Obama's administration, Solis has won praise from labor unions for aggressive enforcement of wage and hour laws and job safety regulations. But business groups have criticized her as not taking a more cooperative approach.
"Leaving the department is one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made, because I have taken our mission to heart," Solis said. "As the daughter of parents who worked in factories, paid their union dues and achieved their goal of a middle-class life, and as the first Latina to head a major federal agency, it has been an incredible honor to serve."
Solis said she is proud that 1.7 million people have completed federally funded job training programs under her tenure. Her agency oversaw the spending of about $67 billion for unemployment insurance benefits, job training and other job placement and worker protection programs under Obama's economic stimulus package.
While it is common for presidents to reshuffle their Cabinet members and economic teams in their second term some of the president’s picks to stay have been criticized. Members of the GOP have questioned the attorney general’s handling of Operation Fast and Furious, a gun-running investigation gone awry.
On Thursday, it is expected that Obama will tap his chief of staff and former budget director, Jacob Lew, to be his next Treasury Secretary.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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