Damage Control - EEK!! a bad review

In defense of a negative review
I'm not going spend the energy, that I could better be used providing pleasure, on this negativity that all stemmed from a misunderstood or possibly misstated comment that I made when I was having a bad day. I've already apologized for the remark and wish the attacks and downright cruelty would stop.
Now-I'm only going to comment on the untruths that I feel are important to anyone basing their decision whether or not to see me on this ONE negative experience. What actually went on behind closed doors should stay there.
I never said that I was through with eccie, and I certainly would never call my clientele bad names. What I said was that I was through posting on the forums, and I meant it. I'm not thick-skinned enough to handle the backlash of expressing an opinion around here. I returned to the hobby because I DO enjoy it. Yes, I was a mess when I left the hobby a few years ago but I have never uttered the words "cheapest girl on the block"-not then and not now. That's not my style AT ALL.
I will own the fact that I did give a poor performance, and all I can say to that is: "I'm sorry". I made the appointment at a much lower requested donation because felt "forced" to, not by the reviewer, but due to the beating I was taking on another board. And I was wrong to take it out on him. I did not set out to give him substandard service because he couldn't pay full price. I truly thought I could get into it because it had been a while, and I go a little crazy when I don't get laid often enough-hence the inappropriate post on the ISO board. I tried my very best to get into our time together, but I just couldn't. Yes, I should have offered him a refund but i really needed it in order to survive. In fact, if everything goes well tomorrow, I will have a money-order in the mail to him on Friday. I do have integrity and I feel bad for taking what I didn't deserve.
I understand the reviewers distress and feel he is entitled to express it out of anger. But, to the slanderous commenters: I'd like to say "go to hell" but that would only feed into the negativity. So instead I'll leave it at this: You should have expressed your dissatisfaction to me at the time of your disgust. I had no idea. And no you can't have your money back. And leave my sweet hippo alone. He is just a sweet client who was trying to help with damage control. I never said anything about not being satisfied by another client. I don't kiss and tell - ever. Hippo, my sweet-thanks for giving it a shot. I'll see you soon, Dollface (I'll make a spot for the grill,wink.)
Just one more item that I want to address regarding the revue: I have impeccable taste and was not dressed inappropriately. You told me that you were single and that your neighbors were not a problem, and I have never looked like a hooker. AND PLEASE HERE THIS (and this will be the last sign of anger you will ever see from me) not one single client - not one, YOURSELF INCLUDED - has ever NOT said these words to me "WOW, You really are beautiful. Your photos don't do you justice."
I hope that those who were considering a visit with me will continue to be interested, and that my other reviews will outweigh the negative one. I will not be reading the replies to this or any other thread that has anything to do with negative energy. If you want to continue slamming me, go ahead. I will stop providing when my phone stops rings and will never accept an appointment under duress again.
<Deep Breath>
So now, with my peace stated, I am just going to shake it off and get back to having some fun. Who will join me?
Numbersboy's Avatar
Ummmm, ...
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
One bad review wont hurt to much.

I read the review and I got to be honest.....

Hi**o, really made you look bad with the comment he made to another hobbyist. Basically validated the fact you talk bad about people on the board. And for the RECORD, I'm NOT saying you do in anyway shape or form. Personally, I would talk to him and get him in line somehow some way. Yes, the guy he said that comment to was being pretty rude as well but his comments are no were NEAR as damaging as Hi**os. Who need enemies when you have a friend (aka a white knight) with a big mouth? You don't need people trying to help you only to turn around and make things worse for you. And boy did he do that for you!

And if you can, see if you can work something out with the reviewer. You never know, you two might be able to find a middle ground were your both happy.

You have done something in this thread that I rarely see a provider do, and that is OWN up to were YOU messed up. I admire that.

This to shall pass. Keep your chin up girl!
+1 to Kaylee. I have read damage control posts that were dripping with insincerity, and this wasn't it. I don't know why you were taking a beating on the other board, but after doing what you can to fix this situation, perhaps taking a step back to look at the big picture of your life, work, and mindset might be beneficial. Best wishes.

It seems to me that unauthorized access to ROS contents is indicated here.

Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
On one hand, owning it is refreshing.

On the other, most of us wouldn't have ever read the negative review had it not just been pointed out to us.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
With the ripples on the pond still moving in the aftermath of Mercianna's rebuttal post, you'd think ANY provider would think twice about whether she should post and if so, more carefully about what she should say. Sometimes short and simple is the best policy.

"I was hurt and angry and depressed. I took it out on him but I'm refunding payment. I apologize to *B* and those I offended with my comments."

'Loose lips, sinks ships'.
Another poster-child thread for closing reviews to follow ups whether it's positive or negative piling on. The review should stand on it's own. Done. If you have something to say, post your own good/bad review. Dude who went said what he had to say, and that should be it.
In defense of a negative review
I'm not going spend the energy, Originally Posted by SweetMelody
You should have stopped right there.

daaman has another potential train wreck thread to read...
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 06-06-2012, 07:46 PM
Lunytunz's Avatar
Obviously, the review section is NOT for hobbiers eyes only. Makes it all the harder for honest reviews which is a detriment to all hobbiests.
I do not actually read a lot of reviews. I post a lot of them but don't read a lot.

I didn't even know about this review until this rebuttal was posted. Samething with the last rebuttal.

We all make mistakes. Just my suggestion, but if you do have a bad review I would not point it out. When you post a rebuttal it points it out and every hobbyist goes to read it. I know I did.

I do not think one bad review will hurt but my suggestion, do not point out your bad review by writing a rebuttal. Instead get more good reviews.

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jf987
  • 06-06-2012, 11:53 PM
edit - wrong post
The better review rebuttals don't directly address ROS info.

This one is lame.

Instead of a rebuttal, go to the broke ass mofo's lookin for cheap pussy thread in the request section, pm one of them and offer to suck his dick for a good review. repeat until two or three actually post a review.
Instead of a rebuttal, go to the broke ass mofo's lookin for cheap pussy thread in the request section, pm one of them and offer to suck his dick for a good review. repeat until two or three actually post a review. Originally Posted by monkmonk
Now THAT is some awesome funny $hit. Good idea too.
