Cleavage at work . . . Great distractor, spell binding

Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
I work with 7 women. I am the boss. There are no other men in our office. We have a fun office and enjoy work, the women range in age from 25-48. Nearly everyday, one or more of them is wearing some attire which shows cleavage. Everything from perky B's to man made DD's, all nice, but shit I am always distracted (in a good way)

Certainly, women understand what power they have over us weak minded me, but is the cleavage show intentional or mere consequence of fashion. . .

Ladies, what say you?
I'm always naked somewhere, so I really can't say.
Brass Balls's Avatar
Can I fill in for you on sick days?
pyramider's Avatar
I'm always naked somewhere, so I really can't say. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby

Odd, I seem to have developed a similar issue.
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 11-05-2014, 07:43 AM
Need some help?
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Pyramider, can I get a freakin' hug?
  • hd
  • 11-05-2014, 09:30 AM
I believe that's called raise time, oh yea!!
It is most definitely intentional! We know what we can get away with! Enjoy the view
They all get together and plan their outifits in advance just to fuck with you. Just enough cleavage to keep you off their asses but not too much that you can't still run the office. Give them a slowclap from me would you, please?
Hercules's Avatar
Pics or GTFO. Show us dem titties!