Cancellation Fees

TrulySummer's Avatar
There was an interesting thread started down in South Texas about cancellation fees. I am curious to know what everyone's feelings are on them.

I personally do not believe in them and have never had one. I do think if a lady has one it needs to be stated on her website or ads.

What do you gents think about them? Do you think the lady should have it posted somewhere? If she does not have it posted that she has a cancellation fee and then demands one for an appt. being canceled, are you OK with it?
Only if the provider is going to reciprocate the cancellation fee...
Pistolero's Avatar
Summer, I believe if a provider "requires " a cancellation fee if the guy cancels, she should be willing to provide a cancellation fee if she cancels.

Either party loses time if cancellations occur. So, it is the old goose and gander thing.

Looks like I type too slow, techno.
Agree with TG.

I'd have enough to pay for a session with all the last minute 'sick kids', 'surprise aunt flo's', 'car problems' and 'friends who had a last minute emergency' I heard about the last few weeks. ;-)
Peanut's Avatar
Things come up on both ends of this business...from the providers or hobbiests. I had a death in the family last week and had to cancel a session. If a provider has a cancellation fee it should be posted and advertised on every advertisement she makes.

If the provider doesnt require prebooking payments, how is she going to get the cancellation fee from the cleint?

I personally will not book with a provider that has a cancel fee. I have had providers to cancel on me, Have had the NCNS, I even had one that had to leave in the middle of the session due to her kid being injuried at school during PE,she didnt charge me for that session, but on the nest session with her I gave her a larger than normal tip to make up for the half session she gave me.

I think the provider should have a cancellation rule like cancel 2 times back to back then dont book them, specially if they are not a repeat client.

a side note - I will not book with a provider that requires payment via Credit card online to book.
travelling_man's Avatar
I think that's what answers you'll find. Basically if a provider will pay us for the time we've wasted being no-showed (my time is valuable too), only at that point would I ever consider paying a cancellation fee. Since the first part will never happen, the second never will either.
Chevalier's Avatar
My reaction would be specific to the lady. If a lady no-shows me, no, I wouldn't pay a cancellation fee if I had to cancel with her. But I probably wouldn't be seeing her again anyway. The fact that Lady A no-shows me is not related to the question of whether I should pay a cancellation fee if I cancel an appointment with Lady B on short notice.

In general, if a lady hasn't mistreated me in that way -- and most don't -- I'll pay a cancellation fee if it's shown on her website. I'll pay a cancellation fee if it's not shown on her website but she asks for it. And for that matter, if I cancel on very short notice, where I think there's a significant possibility that she wouldn't be able to replace me with someone else . . . I usually pay a voluntary cancellation fee anyway, even if she never mentions it and isn't expecting it.

Alas, unlike some who adopt the same policy, my schedule is not sufficiently under my control that I've never had to cancel on short notice. So, yes, this has come up, and yes, I have paid the voluntary cancellation fee, although not very often -- 9 times over the past 8 years or so. Even though the ladies neither specified such on their website, or asked for one, or for that matter even expected one. Also unlike some who adopt the same policy, I don't offer it to them, when most ladies would feel compelled to say it wasn't necessary even if they thought it was appropriate -- I just include it in the envelope the next time I see them. An offer you make in a fashion it will likely be turned down is very easy.

I don't think they would have given it a second thought if I hadn't paid it, so it's not as though there was any compulsion or fear of the consequences if I didn't. For that matter, I'm skeptical about whether it gets me better treatment by those specific ladies than I would otherwise. But I thought payment was appropriate.

I suspect this puts me in a very, very, very, very, very small minority here. That's OK; I don't mind marching to the beat of a different drummer. And I don't care about converting anyone to my way of thinking about it, either. Just offering a perspective.

Interesting question. I guess a lady has a right to ask for anything she wants in the way of a cancellation fee. Publishing that policy is paramount though. Then a gent can book or not as he chooses.

Scheduled with a provider in Chicago once, prior to making the trip. My plans changed, and the trip was cancelled with short notice. Three days...yes, three days prior to our date I cancelled explaining that my travel schedule was taking me elsewhere. She was livid, and wanted me to pay a fee. Struck me as odd (and ludicrous) and she ended up posting an alert about me since I refused to pay her full fee. (In addition, she wanted my credit card to pay the fee...uh, can you say NO WAY!)

Since then, with my ever changing schedule, I'm mostly a same day, short notice kind of guy. Costs me some missed opportunities, but such is life.

I agree with the posts about the no call no shows by the ladies.
The day they are willing to pay me for the gas and time I wasted trying to meet someone who had agreed upon a time and place will be the day I am willing to pay a cancellation fee.
LOl-I would like to know how the lady is going to collect such a fee?
I for one would never,ever pay or put a deposit down for an upcoming session.
I had to cancel a session with a lady today because of the weather.She was very gracious about it and we already have another session planned for a later date.
This is the best way to work out situations like this.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Agree with Chevalier, if I have to cancel I'm going to offer something, if only to reschedule as soon as possible. If that's not possible, I'd try to make it up in some way. But just a blank cancellation fee regardless of reason?--no f'ing way! Still, I understand that providers sometimes get stood up. I'd out the mo-fo, but then I don't depend on the business. But I'd never cancel on Summer!
mtabsw's Avatar
I mentioned to more than one colleague, I think I've been cancelled more times than I've had sessions. I agree it's bad business to require prepayment or state a cancellation fee. That said, I choose the high road and on the three times I've been forced to cancel within 12 hours I've offered the session fee. FYI it's been absolutely refused each time. (thank you Lexy, Reese and my retired friend)

I'm sympathetic that someone blocks time and is anticipating cash flow. Luck of the hobby is they may not be able to snag a client for the empty slot.

The flip side is I would like to see more class acts saying something more tangible than "I'll soooo make this up to you Hun!". I think my time has value too and certainly something on the same day deserves something - an extended session seems like a win win to me... My dos pesos
I often wondered about the "fees" such as cancellations or deposits or whatever. How would you ever collect?

I DO understand about a deposit for an overnight or very extended session but a cancellation fee? Hmm...

I suppose the best thing is not to cancel, ya think? LOL! I KNOW it happens because I have had lots of last minute cancellations over the years but I don't recall EVER canceling on anyone with maybe ONE exception but then, this is my business and I just don't think it's a good business decision to EVER cancel.

I mean, it's an hour. I guess I have been fortunate to have never been in the situation to where one hour would make THAT much difference.

Just sayin'...
Lana Warren's Avatar
Cancellation fee? You've got to be kidding me! LOL!
ANONONE's Avatar
There was an interesting thread started down in South Texas about cancellation fees. I am curious to know what everyone's feelings are on them.

I personally do not believe in them and have never had one. I do think if a lady has one it needs to be stated on her website or ads.

What do you gents think about them? Do you think the lady should have it posted somewhere? If she does not have it posted that she has a cancellation fee and then demands one for an appt. being canceled, are you OK with it? Originally Posted by TrulySummer

I am all for it! If I had a cancellation fee paid to me every time a provider dropped a session on me over the last 25 years, my 401K would sure be much healthier.

We should vote now on a possible fee structure:

  • Provider fails to return email or screening query in 48 hours. . . .$25.00
  • Provider cancels with 24 hour notice. . . . .$100.00
  • Provider cancels with less than 24 hour notice. . . .$250.00
  • Provider ends a session before the agreed upon time or leaves upon pop rather than time booked. . .$150.00
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-08-2010, 11:56 AM
It seems to me that if a provider posts a cancellation fee she's really posting a "If-You-No-Show-Me-I-Won't-See-You-Again-Unless-you-Reimburse-Me-For-the-No-Show" fee. As vnurse points out, there is no way to collect otherwise. The same would apply (as in Summer's original question) to a provider "demanding" a cancellation fee after the fact.

I wish more gents would adopt an attitude like Chevalier's, which I would selectively summarize thus:

(1) A man can hobby forever and have no real problems with NS's if he chooses his companions carefully. There are many pleasant ladies who are reliable and lots of fun;

(2) For a man who casts his net broadly, getting NS'ed is going to be part of the game. Accept it and deal with it like a man. Which brings us to item 3;

(3) When a lady asks your opinion about Provider's using such a fee, don't take the opportunity to come on here and whine about all the times you've been NS'ed. It's irrelevant.

Obviously it would be absurd for some providers to even mention a cancellation fee -- when they, themselves, are NCNS queens. Other providers always show up (save genuine emergencies...for which they would offer some price abatement on the next visit) and could rightfully expect compensation on a late cancellation.

(4) Set your own standards of behavior at the level of what you'd like to receive, not in response to someone else's bad behavior. If you cancel at all, inquire whether the lady would like some sort of compensation. If you cancel late (by which I mean within a time frame that might prevent the lady from filling the time you occupied...and you know that by common sense) simply inform her that you will be covering her time. If she declines, thank her and state that you insist that she take the money (or half, perhaps) and see that she gets it.

Think long-term on this. Even if you're a dedicated sport-fucker, with a new girl every week, you still have a reputation to consider. Become known as a player who plays square, for there are rewards that go with that. If you tend to gravitate to one, or a few, ladies, it will be an even better investment. Beyond that, you will be raising the standard of behavior in the local sex industry and everyone will benefit.