Interesting phone call

There have been a few topics lately about rates and such so I thought I would add a story to the mix. Out of the blue I get this message on the SA site asking where I am located and if I have any pictures. Keep in mind at this time I can’t see any pictures but their are a few on this profile. Not one to turn down the chance of adventure, I reply back with a number to reach me at, figure some China doll girl will be on the other end and so on. So I get this text, I call the number and get an answer, long story short this is a lady traveling around looking for work in the Basin, she sounds legit and all, we have a good conversation but then ask about what I could help with and my reply is where is she at…….. maybe it’s just me getting older but something about Ben Franklin 8 times seems a little out of range but maybe it’s just the inflation thing
800 is out of my range unless she is hot smoking model and young. Which the chances of finding that on SA are very slim. Would need to be a ten.