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Why do we become White Knights? Why do we become Black Knights? Recent events caused me to think why does this happen?


It’s no secret I have seen a few providers in my time. Most recently another board member decided to become a BLACK KNIGHT and post negatively about a provider I knew quit well. This happens from time to time. Hell, were all different with different likes and dislikes. Sometimes two people just don't click. All understood. But when a guy starts contradicting you, it’s very challenging NOT to become a WHITE KNIGHT. The fact is, it’s no longer about the provider and the hobbyist it’s between the two hobbyists. That’s when the trouble starts. Don’t take it personally. What I fail to understand is why a guy would post a review about a provider when in fact they NEVER met? That’s BS. If a hobbyist doesn't have a session it shouldn't be a review. Post in the ML or ALERTS but not a review. I think it’s BS that a review should follow a provider when she NEVER met the hobbyist. Or if he showed up and decided to change his mind!


Something happened and YOUR not happy. So you’re going to make life miserable for that provider and or anyone who likes that provider. You say things like your time was wasted and how valuable your time is to you. REALLY? Give me a break. Hell we have all had out time wasted. Shit happens. Post your experience in the ML. If it’s super bad post it in Alerts. I had a session scheduled in Las Vegas that was rescheduled four times and finally ended in NSNC. I have had many NCNS but have NEVER posted a review. Why would I, there was no session. Agreed the provider was a flake but it doesn't warranty a review. I have heard guys say, that they are posting the review as a favor to other hobbyists. REALLY? The guys reading the reviews also can read the ALERTS section. Most read the ML as well. Quaking reviews is against the rules. If a guy likes a provider you had a bad experience with move on! Get over it, again it happens to us all. Some guys like BBW'S. You don't so move on. Same thing for TS'S, Spinners etc. Don't give a guy shit because he is happy! MOVE ON!

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  • Toyz
  • 07-01-2012, 06:40 AM
I think there are exceptions to every rule SL. Its not quite that cut and dried. If a girl steals my watch for instance, and I never get it back? I will become her worst Black Knight nightmare ever.

If she passes on to me an STD & refuses to get tested, (or worse continues to pass it around and not take the mandatory down time to clear if from her system), then I'm not going to be too happy either.

How would you personally handle each of the scenarios I've laid out above?


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I think there are exceptions to every rule SL. Its not quite that cut and dried. If a girl steals my watch for instance, and I never get it back? I will become her worst Black Knight nightmare ever.

I don't wear a Rolex when I hobby so I would have to lose my mind about the watch. Not sure why someone might bring an expensive watch to a session but hey that’s me! But OK she took your watch. Hell I'd be pissed and rest assured I'd turn into a BLACK KNIGHT! But I would turn dark because she didn't want to kiss me. Or if she had a no FAH (Fat Ass Hobbyist!) policy. See the difference?

If she passes on to me an STD & refuses to get tested, (or worse continues to pass it around and not take the mandatory down time to clear if from her system), then I'm not going to be too happy either.

How would you personally handle each of the scenarios I've laid out above?

I've NEVER had an STD and I get test four times a year. I hobby safe always have and always will. But OK I have a provider give me Toyz Syndrome. Rare but it causes the hobbyists to start posting fill in the blank stories. It makes you spend your every waking moment thinking about the hot chicks you have on rotation. You start wanting the finer things in life even if you don't enjoy them. (Terrible STD to say the least! LOL) We'll call it TS for short. Now I have never had or liked TS'S. Just not my deal. (but I don’t judge those that do!) I still remember that trip to SA where I came in contact with TS and boy was I surprised. I think I made it back to Austin in record time. It was a long time before I could even talk about it! But to answer the question, if I got an STD I would go over board to resolve the issue. At least where I was concerned. I could only control what I did not the provider. Then I would take on the arduous process of contacting the "providers". There would be NO way of knowing conclusively how I got it. So it would be better to be safe than sorry. But if I knew 100% where I got it and she knew as well she had it yet hobbied anyway? That might cause me to go to the dark side as well.


Originally Posted by Toyz
Please note I'm guilty of being both and White and Black Knight at times. The thread poses the question WHY?
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  • Toyz
  • 07-01-2012, 07:55 AM

I meant the two questions as real life scenarios, wasn't taking a shot at you & don't appreciate the shot back across my bow actually...didn't know they would strike such a nerve. Honestly sorry.
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I meant the two questions as real life scenarios, wasn't taking a shot at you & don't appreciate the shot back across my bow actually...didn't know they would strike such a nerve. Honestly sorry. Originally Posted by Toyz
Sorry Toyz, I didn't mean to offend you. In all seriousness I could only speculate as to how I would react in these real life scenarios. Rest assured I'd be upset.
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  • Toyz
  • 07-01-2012, 08:55 AM
Sorry SL, I'm on the rag this morning... Tough week. A friend in the real world was diagnosed with aggresive ovarian cancer & its got me in a shit mood...

Questions were real though...would be hard for me to forgive a girl in any of those two scenarios...and I forget that I am 95% OC so taking of watches would be pretty easy should someone want to risk the wrath of Toyz...

The other part, yes I know we all hobby with raincoats on our peckers, but know its not 100% a guarantee of safety...thats how I meant it, not saying it was BB...
MARTlAN's Avatar
I want to be the Dark Knight...
Well these boys better kiss and make up . I'm not WKing for either one !
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  • Toyz
  • 07-01-2012, 09:51 AM
I want to be the Dark Knight... Originally Posted by Martianman
Dude...you are my new "Captain Kirk" who "Who boldly went where no man has gone before"...
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm a Knight...

Just call me

Wait for it

SIR SLAMDANGO (Sounds kinda Royal doesn't it? LOL)
Still Looking's Avatar
Dude...you are my new "Captain Kirk" who "Who boldly went where no man has gone before"... Originally Posted by Toyz
Scotty I need more power... turn on the Viagra beam. LOL
White Knights - Black Knights -- Why??
PWLD's , Hard Core *uckers , Old School, New School, Opiniated Posters, Frequent Posters, Occasional Posters, Extroverts, Introverts, Casual Participant, Avid Hobbiest, A type personalies, Demure Personalities, Narcistic Hobbiests, Complacent Hobbiests , Gentleman, *SS Holes ////// The Old Guard <---> The Young Guns!!!!
On top of the affore mentioned differences there are Aliens amongst us!!!
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  • Sire
  • 07-01-2012, 11:31 AM
I'm Batman.

But you can call me Sire.
MARTlAN's Avatar
Dude...you are my new "Captain Kirk" who "Who boldly went where no man has gone before"... Originally Posted by Toyz
I have been with a few green women from other galaxies.
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  • Sire
  • 07-01-2012, 12:14 PM
I want to be the Dark Knight... Originally Posted by Martianman
Dude...you are my new "Captain Kirk" who "Who boldly went where no man has gone before"... Originally Posted by Toyz
I have been with a few green women from other galaxies. Originally Posted by Martianman
You have proven your bravery, and earned some serious medals, that's for certain.