The United Blocks of ANTIFA

HedonistForever's Avatar

Seattle’s hard-Left secessionist movement has claimed its first territory: six blocks in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.

For the past week, Black Lives Matter and Antifa-affiliated activists have engaged in a pitched battle with Seattle police officers and National Guard soldiers in the neighborhood, with the heaviest conflict occurring at the intersection of 11th and Pike, where law enforcement had constructed a barricade to defend the Seattle Police East Precinct building. Hoping to break through the barricade, protesters attacked officers with bricks, bottles, rocks, and improvised explosive devices, sending some officers to the hospital. At the same time, activists circulated videos of the conflict and accused the police of brutality, demanding that the city cease using teargas and other anti-riot techniques.

Then, in a stunning turn of events, the City of Seattle made the decision to abandon the East Precinct and surrender the neighborhood to the protesters. “This is an exercise in trust and de-escalation,” explained Chief Carmen Best. Officers and National Guardsmen emptied out the facility, boarded it up, and retreated. Immediately afterward, Black Lives Matter protesters, Antifa black shirts, and armed members of the hard-Left John Brown Gun Club seized control of the neighborhood, moved the barricades into a defensive position, and declared it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone—even putting up a cardboard sign at the barricades declaring “you are now leaving the USA.”

On the new rebel state’s first night, the atmosphere was festive and triumphant. Hooded men spray-painted the police station with slogans and anarchist symbols, renaming it the “Seattle People’s Department East Precinct.” Raz Simone, a local rapper with an AK-47 slung from his shoulder and a pistol attached to his hip, screamed, “This is war!” into a white-and-red megaphone and instructed armed paramilitaries to guard the barricades in shifts. Later in the night, Simone was filmed allegedly assaulting multiple protestors who disobeyed his orders, informing them that he was the "police" now, sparking fears that he was becoming the de facto warlord of the autonomous zone. A homeless man with a baseball bat wandered along the borderline and two unofficial medics in medieval-style chain mail stood ready for action.

Nikkita Oliver, a radical activist and former mayoral candidate, emerged as a critical voice of the protest movement and assumed a leadership role in the newly declared autonomous zone. After night fell and a light rain began falling, she spoke to the crowd and outlined the ideological commitments behind the occupation. “[We need to] align ourselves with the global struggle that acknowledges [that] the United States plays a role in racialized capitalism,” she told protestors. “Racialized capitalism is built upon patriarchy, white supremacy, and classism.”

The following day, a coalition of black activists associated with the autonomous zone released a more specific list of demands, including the total abolition of the Seattle Police Department, the retrial of all racial minorities serving prison time for violent crimes, and the replacement of the police with autonomous “restorative/transformative accountability programs.” Activists pledged to maintain control of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone until their demands are met—setting the stage for a long-term occupation and the establishment of a parallel political authority.

The city government has not developed a strategic response to the takeover of Capitol Hill. According to one Seattle police officer with knowledge of internal deliberations, the city’s “leadership is in chaos” and “the mayor has made the decision to let a mob of 1,000 people dictate public safety policy for a city of 750,000.” The officer said that Chief Best had dispatched high-ranking police officials to the autonomous zone to establish a line of communication, but the officials were immediately sent away by armed paramilitaries at the barricades. “The tide of public opinion is on the side of the activists and they’re pushing the envelope as far as they can,” said the officer. “It’s not hyperbolic to say the endgame is anarchy.”

Politically, the Seattle City Council has already begun to champion the protesters’ demands. Socialist Alternative councilwoman Kshama Sawant declared the takeover a “victory” against “the militarized police force of the political establishment and the capitalist state.” Three councilmembers have signaled support for a 50 percent reduction in the police budget, with additional councilmembers likely to support a similar policy in the coming weeks. Sawant also opened Seattle’s City Hall—which had been closed by the mayor—to protesters, who immediately occupied the building.

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone has set a dangerous precedent: armed left-wing activists have asserted their dominance of the streets and established an alternative political authority over a large section of a neighborhood. They have claimed de facto police power over thousands of residents and dozens of businesses—completely outside of the democratic process. In a matter of days, Antifa-affiliated paramilitaries have created a hardened border, established a rudimentary form of government based on principles of intersectional representation, and forcibly removed unfriendly media from the territory.

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is an occupation and taking of hostages: none of the neighborhood’s residents voted for Antifa as their representative government. Rather than enforce the law, Seattle’s progressive political class capitulated to the mob and will likely make massive concessions over the next few months. This will embolden the Antifa coalition—and further undermine the rule of law in American cities.

You asked, "what's next"? Well, here it is!

winn dixie's Avatar
Listen closely folks--


I say send in the Marines with orders to double tap the bastards!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
and they want to de-escalate.

commiefascist sypathizers
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-10-2020, 11:34 PM
Send in the Bandito's and those tards will be clutching their pearls and crying for mommy.
winn dixie's Avatar
Send in the Bandito's and those tards will be clutching their pearls and crying for mommy. Originally Posted by R.M.
I like this idea
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 05:58 AM
HF and his Seattle post is a frightening preview of what the DPST's have in store for America -

Civil War is coming - because the Lib DPST's have not the strength of character to put down violent anarchists and communists.

Neville Chamberlain Lives and rules under Democrat DPST administrations in America.

It will soon be amerika - unless these criminals are met with armed force.

freedoms end when Armed crminals destroy the freedoms of America - They must be met with force.

They are like Adolph Hitler - who took over austria, the Sudentenland, and figured he would get away with Poland annexation - splitting the country with Stalin - until WW2 intervened.

Where did all these radical criminals come from - Have we permitted our educational system to inculcate such radical Socialism/totalitarianism - is this what the younger generation has been imprinted with??

A free America may be doomed - but I will not bow to violent, armed radical DPST's - I will meet my end on my feet - armed and defending myself - and take out as many bastards as I can .

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one thing

it will be interesting to see how liberal idiots in seattle and washington state propose to deal this rebellion

it puts liberal politicians on the hotseat, although the media will focus on it as a peaceful protest and not focus on any clearing as they would do if conservatives cleared the rebellion

I wonder how general mad dog mattis will view the clearing of the capital hill autonomous zone, if it is done

I rather think the liberal politicians will just hope it withers away and will let them stay hoping they wont have to deal with it

somewhere I heard that the rebels were extorting business and property owners that are within their area of control

a rebellion against the united states happened in 1860 and now in 2020
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 07:58 AM
NGIT- the "New Seattle Socialist government" is just out there raising taxes to support the nomenklatura.

at the point of AK-74's and bayonets.
They managed to disarm the majority of citizens in seattle - In Middle America that mistake will not be made - disarming the citizenry will not be tolerated.

Anti-Fa is welcome to bring their act to Texas - they will be met with experienced law enforcement and citizen zupport to deal with their molotov cocktails and ak's in the appropriate fashion that the DPST's cannot ever consider - Armed Force.

Anti-Fa - is this what my Father and Uncles served in the Armed Forces in WW2 to "serve and protect"????

9500- You should move to Seattle - just your kind of place - and see what 'Taxes" anti-Fa imposes on YSL!!!
NGIT- the "New Seattle Socialist government" is just out there raising taxes to support the nomenklatura.

at the point of AK-74's and bayonets.
They managed to disarm the majority of citizens in seattle - In Middle America that mistake will not be made - disarming the citizenry will not be tolerated.

Anti-Fa is welcome to bring their act to Texas - they will be met with experienced law enforcement and citizen zupport to deal with their molotov cocktails and ak's in the appropriate fashion that the DPST's cannot ever consider - Armed Force.

Anti-Fa - is this what my Father and Uncles served in the Armed Forces in WW2 to "serve and protect"????

9500- You should move to Seattle - just your kind of place - and see what 'Taxes" anti-Fa imposes on YSL!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
perhaps the leftist mayor and governor are setting up trump

not doing anything hoping trump does so their media can go to town on trump
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 08:22 AM
you have a point - the LSM is all in on the Anti-Fa seizure of Seattle.
Civil War has been declared by the Anti-Fa and DPST's!
HedonistForever's Avatar
HF and his Seattle post is a frightening preview of what the DPST's have in store for America -

Civil War is coming - because the Lib DPST's have not the strength of character to put down violent anarchists and communists.
Originally Posted by oeb11

I believe it is a distinct possibility.
Don't send in the Blackhawks quite yet.

Let these instigators open up CHAZs in LA, SF, NYC and couple of other Dim strongholds.

We've got to let the shit hit the fan. If you notice, the LSM is glorifying this and the Democratic Party.

Record murders in CHI last week. Nary a peep. The Houston DA let almost all the arrested rioters go. Nary a peep.

Outside of Fox and OANN, the media is encouraging the anarchy. It gets viewers.
you have a point - the LSM is all in on the Anti-Fa seizure of Seattle.
Civil War has been declared by the Anti-Fa and DPST's! Originally Posted by oeb11
Just let them fight it out with the homeless and they will starve.

One of the Antifa organizers in Seattle, an 18-year-old lesbian anarchist who wants to “abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization,” begged for vegan meats and soy after the homeless people they invited in took all the food.

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

“We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – anything to help us eat.”
After that shut off the power and water.

EDIT: Or better yet just shut off the cell signals in the area. They will all come crying out with their arms in the air.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Sadly enough, this was predicable after decades of Demonicrat control over many sh*it-hole cities. The military has been practicing for a fictional scenario that now seems to actually be televised. Go figure...

Here’s What the Revolution will Look Like

In 2018, the Pentagon held a “War Game” depicting a scenario where the military would be deployed against the American people.

The Intercept has published documents detailing the background information on the exercise.

The Pentagon imagined a disenfranchised Generation Z, strapped with college debt and no opportunities. They have lost faith in the American Dream, and believe the system is rigged against them. As so they rise up.

To be clear, the scenario is fictitious, and shouldn’t be interpreted as being based on real intelligence. However, the Pentagon tries to make the War Game scenarios realistic.

And it certainly identifies real reasons why people are pissed off at the establishment. “The system”, from the Federal Reserve to the Police State, has kept people under the thumb of the government, and their corporate cronies.

The US military clearly thinks this is along the lines of the threats they will face over the next decade. The exercise material details the scenario:

In early 2025, a cadre of these disaffected Zoomers launch a protest movement. Beginning in “parks, rallies, protests, and coffee shops” — first in Seattle; then New York City; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles; Las Vegas; and Austin — a group known as Zbellion begins a “global cyber campaign to expose injustice and corruption and to support causes it deem[s] beneficial.”

During face-to-face recruitment, would-be members of Zbellion are given instructions for going to sites on the dark web that allow them to access sophisticated malware to siphon funds from corporations, financial institutions, and nonprofits that support “the establishment.” The gains are then converted to Bitcoin and distributed to “worthy recipients” including fellow Zbellion members who claim financial need…

Gen Z’s most militant members have essentially taken to privately taxing large corporations and other institutions to combat income inequality or, as the war gamers put it, using the “cyber world to spread a call for anarchy.”...

Spookable. No? Nahhhh, never happen in a million years.
So how about them Seattle Mariners anyway?

EDIT: Or better yet just shut off the cell signals in the area. They will all come crying out with their arms in the air. Originally Posted by eccielover
I did notice in the clips I saw that all these idiot kids were wandering around staring down at their cell phones