Do men prefer sweet, simple women or complex women...

From what I feel and have experienced, the former are more approachable, "manageable" ...draw more honey (lol) than the latter... however


my dears

a blend of both keeps the man on the hook.

I invite your manly thoughts on this subject.

Open book... or deep, dark woods?

I feel... while any man does enjoy the feeling (or illusion) of being 'on top' ...he also does not usually want a simpleton, which he will eventually tire of ...he needs a companion, a muse, a constant challenge... to spice things up ...even, if that means

What d'yall say?
Sweet does not mean simple or a lack of complexity. I love sweet, but with a high level of intelligence. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Yes a mystery woman is just great but there is a line that differs from occasion to occasion. I just hate to walk in a room and find the woman speaks Ebonics but not proper English. Through the years I have been with ballet dancers, English teachers and with a stupid lil blonde that couldn't compose a simple sentence. I have been with registered nurses and self taught ladies that have just finished high school but could carry on a conversation with any college professor.
I enjoy the company of a lady out side the bedroom and just about every time I set a session it will include dinner.
Note the stupid lil blonde was not Emerald7
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
All the women I have met, have all been quite complex, regardless of where I've met them, even if found within an aura of simplicity.
If you were to write a list what would be your choices in order.
good in bed
for the simple fact I will never understand women. I stay away.,. I have never been in any long term relationship. I have enough issues on my own I do not need to have to worry about anyone else.. hence why I am here .....
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who categorize things into dichotomies and those who don't.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 03-25-2015, 08:21 AM
I prefer women that don't start dumb threADs then never come back to actually discuss anything.
In all my travels throughout life the one commonality I have found is men prefer straightforward women.

Do what you say and say what you mean. Men aren't mind readers and I can't think of a single one that wants to play the "Guess Why She is Mad at Me Now" game. If something is important, tell them. If there is something you want, mention it. Men are very, very good at giving you exactly what you want in a relationship if they know what it is.

Don't sit and stew and lash out like a crazy person. That is the path to sending them straight to someone else.

Seven RL marriage proposals and counting.....
Gotyour6's Avatar
Epitome of attention whore?
  • DSK
  • 03-25-2015, 11:23 AM
Simple and sweet, and pretty.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Simple and sweet, and pretty ... Originally Posted by DSK
... with a Scarlett Johansson Vagina™.
grayturner's Avatar
This is to deep for me. I'm just here for the p____.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I will stick to the title
Women are meant to be loved -not understood.