Working in professional environment, sprinkled with attractive woman, I always am on my best behavior. One of the funny things I noticed, is some of the really built woman dress in a very sexy manner, and I make a very conscious effort to talk the face and keep eye contact. And NOT check out their bodies.
Despite my efforts, I find that when they are talking to me, in the corner of my eyes, they are pulling on the wardrobe in an effort to cover themselves better. Like tugging on their blouse when it can't cover their cleavage, and pulling in the skirt that can't cover the knee.
In a professional environment, can I say, "stop messing with your wardrobe, and go with it baby", would that be sexual harassment. (this is when I tell the forum, don't take me too seriously)
Advice - Suggestions - it is killing me, like a juicy wiggly worm in front of bass, and when they're tugging on their clothes, I am really focusing on their eyes, really.