With employment changes, I have been able to step up my hobbying, both in frequency and duration. Even included a recent $3500 5 day hobby binge with 3 ladies, 2 of which were overnights.
The last couple of times I have gotten large sums of cash from my bank, the tellers spent much more time on their computer than before. The last time, the teller had to get a folder out to refer to a couple of sheets and enter something in his computer. Evidently, I have triggered the aggregate $5000 limit on the requirement for the bank to determine if my cash withdrawals warrant a Suspicious Activity Report. I am sure that is how Congressman Hastert was identified.
So, a couple of questions for gents that may know the banking side of things:
If my bank account has triggered the aggregate SAR limit, how long does that last? Will it carry over for months? And will the bank now match ATM withdrawals as well?
I do have a separate account that is out of state. Will the SAR extend to other accounts I have?
Are there safe ways to generate hundreds to thousands of dollars in cash without triggering a SAR?
Any help or advice from ladies or gents would be welcome.