Happy Kwanzaa, MTG!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
From the "how fucked up IS this stupid bitch" department:


Marjorie Taylor Greene Deems Kwanzaa A 'Fake Religion' In Bizarre Twitter Attack

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) believes the GOP may be “turning people away” with attempts at more inclusive outreach during the holidays.

The far-right Republican sent the College Republicans a frosty message late Monday after the national group marked the start of Kwanzaa in a Twitter post that also happened to misspell the name of the festival.

“Stop. It’s a fake religion created by a psychopath,” Greene tweeted. “People are tired of pandering and BS.”

Of course, Kwanzaa isn’t a religion at all but a seven-day holiday festival that’s observed from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1.

It was established in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga as a way for Black people to honor their shared African roots, and is celebrated by millions around the world alongside Christmas and Hanukkah.

“It is based on African first harvest celebrations organized around five fundamental kinds of activities: ingathering of the people; special reverence for the creator and creation; commemoration of the past; recommitment to the highest cultural values; and celebration of the Good,” Karenga, who now serves as the executive director of the African American Cultural Center in Los Angeles, notes on his website.

Greene’s allusion to Karenga’s past, however, appears to be a reference to his 1971 conviction on charges of assault and false imprisonment. Calling himself a “political prisoner,” Karenga was released four years later and has long denied the charges.

Still, Greene’s gaffe drew heated responses from many Twitter users.

Earlier this month, Greene sparked controversy when she used a racist term for Asian Americans while attempting to argue that the Republican Party has supporters from diverse backgrounds.

As of Tuesday, the College Republicans had yet to respond to Greene’s remarks. Instead, the group had retweeted Kwanzaa messages from a number of Republican lawmakers, including one that former President Donald Trump sent during his time in office.
winn dixie's Avatar
Shes correct about it not being a religion in any context. Its just a week long event.
No big deal
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Certainly not a religion, but not no big deal, and definitely not a "fake religion created by a psychopath," as the Queen of Qanon boldly announced to the world.

I have no clue about Kwanzaa... but I do about MTG.
bambino's Avatar
Kwanzaa is as fake as BLM.
So you really believe Christ was born on the 25th of a December? Or that Christ was white? Or that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole with Elves making toys?

Yeah of course you do.
bambino's Avatar
So you really believe Christ was born on the 25th of a December? Or that Christ was white? Or that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole with Elves making toys?

Yeah of course you do. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Nah, I preferred Bo Didley over Elvis. Actually, the Bo Didley beat originated in The Deep South before he moved to Chicago.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Certainly not a religion, but not no big deal, and definitely not a "fake religion created by a psychopath," as the Queen of Qanon boldly announced to the world.

I have no clue about Kwanzaa... but I do about MTG. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

so how do you plan to celebrate Kwanzaa? yeah, didn't think so.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So you really believe Christ was born on the 25th of a December? Or that Christ was white? Or that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole with Elves making toys?

Yeah of course you do. Originally Posted by NoirMan
You're saying that Jesus Christ and Santa both exist...okay, no judgement on your mental state. Why didn't you say anything about Santa being white? You some kind of racist?

Of course, Kwanza is a made-up bull shit holiday which has nothing to do with religion. I mean, really, one holiday to celebrate African values. Understand, African values...the values over an entire continent are encapsulated in one holiday. Leave it up to a convicted felon to come up with it.
So you really believe Christ was born on the 25th of a December? Or that Christ was white? Or that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole with Elves making toys?

Yeah of course you do. Originally Posted by NoirMan
... What a goof you are!

... bleedin' obvious Santa lives at the SOUTH Pole.

#### Salty
You're saying that Jesus Christ and Santa both exist...okay, no judgement on your mental state. Why didn't you say anything about Santa being white? You some kind of racist?

Of course, Kwanza is a made-up bull shit holiday which has nothing to do with religion. I mean, really, one holiday to celebrate African values. Understand, African values...the values over an entire continent are encapsulated in one holiday. Leave it up to a convicted felon to come up with it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I believe Christ existed. And Kwanzaa had nothing to with religion. Never did. But Greene didn’t seem to know that since she called it a fake religion. To that extent it’s about as real is Christmas since there’s zero reason to believe Christ was born on December 25 of any year.

Aren’t all holiday bullshit. Well except Bosses day and and steak and head day. Those are real.
bambino's Avatar
I believe Christ existed. And Kwanzaa had nothing to with religion. Never did. But Greene didn’t seem to know that since she called it a fake religion. To that extent it’s about as real is Christmas since there’s zero reason to believe Christ was born on December 25 of any year.

Aren’t all holiday bullshit. Well except Bosses day and and steak and head day. Those are real. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Just like BLM, Kwanzaa was a creation from the left;

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
YR needs to stop fapping... thats a pretty bad look.
winn dixie's Avatar
The story is no big deal. Geesh the lsm reports this and is mum on joeys current health/mental condition.
I believe Christ existed. And Kwanzaa had nothing to with religion. Never did. But Greene didn’t seem to know that since she called it a fake religion. To that extent it’s about as real is Christmas since there’s zero reason to believe Christ was born on December 25 of any year.

Aren’t all holiday bullshit. Well except Bosses day and and steak and head day. Those are real. Originally Posted by NoirMan
... I do agree-with Noir that Christ prolly WAS NOT
born on 25 December... THAT may just be the day
His birth is celebrated.

If I were to make a good educated guess, I'd surely reckon
Christ's true birthday is 14 June.

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YR needs to stop fapping... thats a pretty bad look. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Says the man who posted a dozen Dick pics in this forum. In the same post. Dicks.