Vax Passport; Now a National ID card And Citizen RTegistry?

ICU 812's Avatar
Has Proof of Immunization Become a De-Facto National ID Card?

Mqany jurisdictions across the country now require proof of immunization, currently three shots) tobe presented before entering any business or entertainment venue. These are locsal or state rtequirements. However all airlines continue to require both proof of immunization aand mask wearing to travelby air. We can debate the merits or advisability of getting the shots and wearing a mask. That is a valid discussion. However, some forces are seriously looking to require proof of immunization as a universal requirement, even for those w2ho have gotten infected with Covid19 and survived. They have natural immunity and do not need shots.

It is my belief that this a stealth movement or Trojan Horse to implement a national ID card and registry of citizens. The Clinton administration era attempt at a national health care system had such a registry at its core. The current air travel requirements for proof of immunization amount to national internal travel document. This is nearly the type of thing found in China today and in the Soviet Union during the Cold War, an internal passport. "Are your papers in order?" is a line often reputed in movies set in authoritarian regimes going back to the 1940s.

People on both sides of my family came to the USA from Europe escaping authoritarian regimes, both Fascist and Communist. I am old enough to remember that all that was required for air travel was a valid ticket. Next, we had to prove that were, in fact, who the ticket was for. And now, proof of identity is not enough; we must also show that we are also compliant. As American Citizens, we should never have to show our "papers".
Maybe it can be used for voter ID. Seems right in line with what Republicans so desire.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The future is becoming clearer. We will see at public events the elite and powerful wearing fine clothes and celebrating their freedom. In attendance, invisible, will those who serve. Masked, vaccinated, and silenced and their only purpose is to serve those in power.

I refer to the Met Gala and AOC. She was given drinks by a servant. Her dresses train was held by a masked servant. She celebrated and others served.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe it can be used for voter ID. Seems right in line with what Republicans so desire. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Does it say that somewhere in the Constitution? Maybe a new amendment?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If they microchipped us, why can’t they just check with Bill Gates?


Seriously though, ladies and germs, any of y’all been to Hawaii lately?
ICU 812's Avatar
Does it say that somewhere in the Constitution? Maybe a new amendment? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
;Sure, THATS the ticket! A new amendment is what we need. Like the ERA effort of the 1970s.

Any gun control advocates ready to try and repeal the 2nd Amendment?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

winn dixie's Avatar
Maybe it can be used for voter ID. Seems right in line with what Republicans so desire. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Will it show proof of citizenship?
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe it can be used for voter ID. Seems right in line with what Republicans so desire. Originally Posted by NoirMan

Why don't you want people to have some form of current identification with a current address and recent photograph?

In addition do you want foreignors voting in our elections?

They don't in Mexico ....

In Mexico, the vote is universal, free, secret, direct, personal and not transferable. All persons with Mexican nationality, by birth or by naturalization, who are 18 years of age or older, and have an honest way of living, have the right to vote. However, in order to exercise this right, the law establishes certain additional requirements such as registration of the citizen in the Federal Registry of Voters and possession of a photo-voting card, which is issued free of charge by the Federal Electoral Institute.

The electoral registry in Mexico is of an active nature, that is, it is responsibility of the citizens who fulfill the requirements, to attend, carry out and complete their registration in person before one of the field offices or modules set up for this purpose by the IFE throughout the country.

In any case, the registration process is verified by an accurate geographic-electoral frame in accordance to the voters’ home address within the national territory which also determines the place where, as a general rule, the citizens must vote. The specific territorial site is called electoral section, which is the basic geographical unit into which the national territory is divided for electoral purposes. According to the law, an electoral section is made up of a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 1,500 voters; within the limits of each section, a polling booth or site must be installed for every 750 registered voters.
Apparently, you prefer voter fraud as a standard and way of life in the U.S.
Nope. And voter fraud is so insignificant in our country that you’re presenting solutions in search of a problem.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nope. And voter fraud is so insignificant in our country that you’re presenting solutions in search of a problem. Originally Posted by NoirMan
My bad, we have a thread with 100s of pages of PROOF.

Y’all “voter fraud” folks are some stupid motherfuckers
LexusLover's Avatar
My bad, we have a thread with 100s of pages of PROOF. ....

.... are some stupid motherfuckers Originally Posted by NoirMan


Other than mouthing off and spewing venom and insults ...


And neither have any of your hair-brained CommunistSocialists.

That's why you all want A PANDEMIC (JUST ANYONE WILL DO) to carry over into 2022 to justify more mail fraud with balloting and want a "voting" rights bill passed authorizing NONCITIZENS to vote WHO HAVE NEVER BEEN IDENTIFIED AND/OR VETTED.

We can vote in Mexico, but you want them to vote here!!!!!
Can you provide proof that you don’t suck 20 dicks a day Lexus. You really are not the brightest bulb or sharpest tool. You want proof of the nonexistence of voter fraud. That’s gotta be one of the most asinine things I’ve read today.

: Originally Posted by LexusLover
winn dixie's Avatar
Can you provide proof that you don’t suck 20 dicks a day Lexus. You really are not the brightest bulb or sharpest tool. You want proof of the nonexistence of voter fraud. That’s gotta be one of the most asinine things I’ve read today. Originally Posted by NoirMan
keeping up with 2 handles getting to tough?

best wishes