Hypnosis-Induced Orgasm

Muffrider's Avatar
I posted this on my local board. I'm hoping some of you might have some experience with it that you might like to share.

I've read about hypnosis-induced orgasm, and I'm wondering if any of the hype is true. For example, you read that it's like having an extraordinarily vivid and realistic wet dream, and you can script the wet dream for the hypnotist so that you can control the details of the fantasy. It is also said that it can cause very intense and prolonged O.

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this? If you have, please, don't leave out the erotic details. Also, I'm wondering what type of naughty pleasures or experiences, if any, a hypnotist might be able to induce or enhance between a couple, i.e., giving her a post-hypnotic suggestion that causes her to have intense orgasm when her partner performs some suggested act?

Pervy minds want to know.
Short answer: Everything that you have heard is true. And more. The sky is the limit. And beyond.

To give ONE well-known example: Recall "Linda Lovelace", and her signature act. In order to enable her to do that, Chuck Traynor hypnotized her and removed her gag reflex, so she could do what she became famous for doing, without any discomfort whatsoever. I do not recall hearing that he actually gave her an extra (virtual) clitoris There, but that's also very easy to do.

For the soup-to-nuts details on What You Can Do And How To Do It (not free, but well worth the price), see http://masterful-lover.com/erotichypnosis/.

I must add: The absolute best way to learn hypnosis is live training, practicing on real human beings. (It is sort of like sex that way.)
  • Laeya
  • 11-14-2011, 11:28 AM
I am ready!!! Please hypnotise ME!!!I come though just thing about it....and i am
A squirter...so if you can contrl my mind to squirt farther....Come hither Brown Lizard!!!
Through my personal experience, I do believe it is completely possible. I've come close using the "holy grail" (hands free orgasm audio track from Isabella). I've seen people hypnotized, and even experienced it to a much lesser degree (I am of the type of people that are difficult for others to hypnotize but easier for me to self-hypnotize.) I have a couple of close friends that that is their chosen kink, and seem to derive great pleasure from it. They use it on at least a weekly if not nearly daily basis, for a variety of things. From my perspective, it works well for them.

I have also seen some very serious charlatans and chicanery where erotic hypnosis is involved. My personal pet peeve? Orgasm on command. Seemed to be a "requirement" for all the Twue Domly Doms of Domliness to train their girls to do in my local scene a couple of years ago. I personally don't think a single one of them was really orgasming on command. At least two of the women it was obvious they were faking it (lack of facial muscle movement, thigh muscles weren't clenching, etc) I'm not saying they didn't receive a burst of pleasure on command, but as to them orgasming? Until you show me a trace from a functional MRI I call bullshit. (Penn & Teller take note!)

I do use guided imagery as part of stress reduction and medidation on an (almost) daily basis, and find it works great for that. However, for me that would be the limit of what it would do for me. And like I said, the hands-free orgasm audio track from Isabella Valentine got me pretty darn close, but I doubt it would ever be able to take me over the edge.

My best suggestion?

Try it for yourself. It will work or not, if it does awesome, if it doesn't then shrug your shoulder and move on. For the men, I'd check out "Isabella Valentine" who has quite a good reputation. There are recordings floating around if you want to try one out.
Xtube and the other adult tubes, you might be able to search for "sissy trainers" that purport to turn men into cock sucking sissies.
with snippage...
(I am of the type of people that are difficult for others to hypnotize but easier for me to self-hypnotize.) Originally Posted by badbottom
There is no such "type". There are just people who, for whatever reason, are unwilling to release control and follow instructions. For therapeutic purposes, this is a problem - for them. For erotic purposes, one simply uses the well-known mating call of the redhead: "NEXT!"

I have also seen some very serious charlatans and chicanery where erotic hypnosis is involved. My personal pet peeve? Orgasm on command. Seemed to be a "requirement" for all the Twue Domly Doms of Domliness to train their girls to do in my local scene a couple of years ago. I personally don't think a single one of them was really orgasming on command. At least two of the women it was obvious they were faking it (lack of facial muscle movement, thigh muscles weren't clenching, etc) I'm not saying they didn't receive a burst of pleasure on command, but as to them orgasming? Until you show me a trace from a functional MRI I call bullshit. (Penn & Teller take note!) Originally Posted by badbottom
Orgasm happens in the brain, not in the facial muscles, not in the thigh muscles. I have seen a female subject lose it, completely, with the only immediate outward sign being a soft "Oh, God" at the moment of ignition.

Read "Mayflower Madam", by Sydney Biddle Barrows. At one point, she describes how one of her girls has orgasms on her own. No special effects at all.

Depending on the hypnotist's personal style, it may well be that the subjects who weren't flailing around or grimacing wildly were in deep trance, accompanied by deep muscle catalepsy (total relaxation). In order to move the muscles, they have to tense them up, and they may have been trained not to do that. Or it may be that they enjoy the relaxed sensation too much to do unnecessary muscle motions.

Or perhaps those two had been trained to be able to come quietly, so that their Dom could give them the command ANY TIME, ANY PLACE, and they would follow the instructions, but keep quiet so as not to alarm the other people. Having to keep quiet while having an incredible experience is, for some women, an incredible turn-on.
I am ready!!! Please hypnotise ME!!!I come though just thing about it....and i am
A squirter...so if you can contrl my mind to squirt farther....Come hither Brown Lizard!!! Originally Posted by Laeya
Well, as Tom Leykis used to teach us to say, "What's in it for me?"

In this particular case, geographic inconvenience is a factor.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Sound's HOT...Something I would like to try...
Alexxxiana Azul's Avatar
i would love to learn more about this one....alternative methods are very interesting to me.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Interesting thread, have been curious about hypnosis in general, but have never experienced it. This bring added element to the hobby. Look forward to what others have to say.
The book, The Forked Tongue by Flagg has the best how-to I have ever seen on using hypnosis to induce orgasm. It is available on Amazon & it is a very disturbing read. Here is an excerpt from the introduction:
This book is not comforting; it does not reassure. It does not teach anything a decent person needs to know. It is a book about BDSM, but it will teach you nothing about tying knots, swinging floggers or spanking. It does not attempt to reach the vanilla public. This book addresses control, it addresses change. The recreational uses of humiliation, conditioning, psychological torture, hypnotism and interrogation techniques are explored and laid bare, broken into usable steps and understandable, applicable concepts. It is a workshop of ruin, the tools necessary to cement lasting alteration and unforgettable experiences for those few who truly crave them.
I also enjoy the hypnosis guided masturbation videos and mp3s. Here's a link to a freebie.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm bumping this topic.

Why? Because it's a topic that I'm interested in exploring right now.

Does anyone have anything else to add?

Not really except that I would be interested in trying this out too. I have been talking to a Domina in Houston who claims to be able to do it so I may well pay her a visit.
Oh my gosh! I've been wanting to try this out for over a year! I'm just nervous that 1. it won't work and I'll look stupid and 2. the person is shady as fuck and does something to my already fucked up brain lol. I don't want to be convinced my vagina wants to be sewn shut or some shit haha!
The one safe thing thing (I'm sure there are others too) is that you won't do anything during hypnosis that you would not also do in a normal state. So Ms Malani you won't be induced to sew your pussy shut for instance, unless deep down you really want to. Same with anal sex, robbing a liquor store, or anything else that might be against your morals. But if you really enjoy sex, including anal and cumming this can open some new windows for enjoyment if you can find someone to actually hypnotize you and then lead you to sexual fulfillment.