Expectations of your date?? (Male & female)

Mature Companion's Avatar
I had this conversation with a beautiful man last week and our outlooks on what our expectations are when we meet our dates.

Mine expectations are none, past the point of my screening him and his ref. speak highly & kindly of him. After the screening is done. Then I want him to be mystery to me. I don't want there to be anything scripted prior to our meeting. I don't want to see a photo of him. I don't want to know his do's & Don'ts. I want our conversations to be less about our date as possible.
Because when I meet him, I want to be excited and feel all giddy & girly inside and I want there to be a mystery about my date and what his kiss will be like, how his touch will feel, how my body will like his mouth pleasuring it.
I want our dinner conversations to flow with ease and talk about anything and everything with such comfort, as if we've known each other for a long time.

I have no expectations of my lover other than, he's a safe & kind respectable man who treats women right. From there, I want to melt into him and enjoy him for him.
And that's what makes my dates within this adult hobby, so damn wonderful. Because there are NO expectations. What beautiful lovers they are!!

What if any, expectations do you (men & women) have of your dates? And do your expectations leave you with a let down in the end?
I expect dining, dancing, dessert (eat me), Joking ....
Chilvary and being old fashioned is my expectations but in todays society the concept is almost obsolete.
The guy usually expects you to all the planning and he has lazy idis of the mind. Yes, I have told men that it would be nice for him to surprise me with a date and it's like pulling wisdom teeth. There was small talk on the type of things I like and not picky when it comes to many things.
Conversation is a must and don't want to do all the talking.
I gravitate towards intelligent ,stimulating conversation and a succesful nerd gets me every time. Nerd is not a bad thing in my vocabulary....
Lovin50's Avatar
I have figured out it's kind of simple for me....
Alexander Pope once said,
Blessed are those who expects nothing, for they shall never be disappointed.
I tend to expect more of myself than my date. I want to learn about the woman and how to please her. I don't want to disappoint...

My only real expectation of her is that she be willing to teach me and show me her pleasures, guide me in becoming a better lover. That is something only a woman can teach.
whereaminow's Avatar
Lovin50, I agree with you. I get just as much, if not more pleasure from pleasing a woman than anything else. To have a lady in so much ecstasy that she is clinching the sheets and burying my face in her is a spectacular time for me.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
My expectations from a date and froma session are two completely different things. The women I date I expect nothing... I like the OP want to feel my heart pound with excitement, anticipation, and mystery. Some dates turn out to not so good, but some turn out fantastic!!! When I am with a lady that the conversation flows and we laugh and can be silly, sexy, and fun together with - those our the moments to live for!!!

I do have expectations for a session, I expect what I have read in her reviews, typically the acts I am looking for. I am not often disappointed, most professionals perform the way I request. In a session I find the key to be communication. I tell her exactly what I want, what I like, and usually I request an outfit. I am nothing like the men Anita Lay describes, with me you will not wonder. The restaurant is known already, reservations are made, and activities are planned by myself, to mean wine, fruit tray, whip cream, whatever. I find that is the best way for my expectations to be met. Although recently a lady answered the door and she was not in the outfit I requested - disappointment.

Expectations usually lead to disappointment because if I get what I expected - no ig deal, if I do not get what I expected - disappointment. But when I am paying for something I am going to have expectations.
simpleton's Avatar
I have low expectations a good long blowie and some warm wet pussy.
burkalini's Avatar
Other than bbbj with cim,msog,greek,facials,rimming I have no expectations at all.
Willen's Avatar
Well, this one went downhill really fast.

like Outdoorsman, I hope that the lady matches what the reviews have suggested. But if she posts enough to allow me to form an impression, then i hope that impression is accurate. In that respect I care as much about her personality and how she interacts as I do about the menu--although of course the menu is important. Like Wicked Milf, I try not to form too many expectations. Partly that's because what I look for that day is a function of our chemistry.
Because when I meet him, I want to be excited and feel all giddy & girly inside and I want there to be a mystery about my date and what his kiss will be like, how his touch will feel, how my body will like his mouth pleasuring it.
I want our dinner conversations to flow with ease and talk about anything and everything with such comfort, as if we've known each other for a long time.

I have no expectations of my lover other than, he's a safe & kind respectable man who treats women right. From there, I want to melt into him and enjoy him for him.
And that's what makes my dates within this adult hobby, so damn wonderful. Because there are NO expectations. What beautiful lovers they are!!
Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
It would be great if she enjoyed the time as much as I do. While I don't EXPECT it, it looks like with you, WM, it might be attainable.
hobbyprojb's Avatar
My expectations from a provider varies from what type of mood I'm in. I always research reviews to find the perfect girl that I'm looking for on that particular day.

Sometimes I want to have a good conversation & flirting before the fun begins...Other times I just want to get right down the business with little or no talking(I'm usually in this mood when I have a rough day at work and the last thing I want to do is chit-chat)

With so many ladies in the biz..I can always find the right one to fit my needs.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I try to be very selective, and choose a girl that sounds like fun. I pay attention to reviews and if a girl has a cold fish rep I stay away. I am not a "wham bam thank you ma'am" type guy so GFE is very important to me. I have had the empty beauty queens where you leave and wonder why you ever came in the first place. I want to have fun not just sex.
Most of the gentlemen I meet we have already developed a reporre and I already have a little insight. Expectations are just to have fun and be respectful and enjoy each other. Last week I had a date with someone I had be talking with for a while and when we met I probably greeted him like he had never been greeted before i always hug and kiss but after such a long time of waiting i literally jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist...so unlike me we had a great time and totally exceeded any expectation I ever could have....
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Most of the gentlemen I meet we have already developed a reporre and I already have a little insight. Expectations are just to have fun and be respectful and enjoy each other. Last week I had a date with someone I had be talking with for a while and when we met I probably greeted him like he had never been greeted before i always hug and kiss but after such a long time of waiting i literally jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist...so unlike me we had a great time and totally exceeded any expectation I ever could have.... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
I corresponded with my favorite for over 3 months before I got up the nerve to see her, and as expected she is my favorite.
PJ1964's Avatar
I understand the desire for the provider to have everything on her menu available. But, it's not that easy for women. Remember, not everybody looks like their picture(s). Some look better, some worse, and still some the same. But that goes BOTH ways. She may not be in the mood to serve certain things on her menu that day, or at that time of day, or(with all due respect)to we hobbiests, for whatever reason. We don't look as good as our pic, or as she expected, or we've said/done something to turn her off, or she may have had a rough experience with the previous man(reguardless of how long between he and us). Maybe she picked up on a smell. If it's the first time the two of you have seen each other, maybe there was some sort of misunderstanding during a seemingly innocent converstaion. Maybe she's just pissed off or juts plain don't feel good. Remember, womens' bodies sometimes do things the women don't want their bodies doing. I won't get into it here, because women are exposed to this thread and it would be gross, but I'm sure you men can figure out a few examples. For instance.....when you reach for something and a fart finds the least path of resistance?
Point is, if the woman expects you to be the very best she's ever had, I bet they'd be disappointed alot. Not talkin any trash about a mans' sexual abilitites, I'm just sayin.......
Yes, I am new to this hobby, but not to life or women. They say relationships are complicated and sex isn't, when two personalities are together & onlt 'know' each other via some texts, emails and referrals/reviews, I think expectations should be kept to a minimum. That's not to say you shouldn't be on your toes(no pun)looking out to make sure you're not getting the shaft(no pun), which goes both ways, but it IS to say, give each other the benefit of the doubt. Give each other a break....a chance. How many men had a session with a provider, then you went home and discovered that YOU stink? She had to indure that.
Look, every since the beginning of ape-men, women have had it harder than men. Have you ever watched your wife, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend in action when there's alot going on at once & she's dealing with it all seemigly effortlessly? How many times have you said to yourself after watching women deal with several things at once(and that's just what is visible)"Man, I'd have said 'fuck it' a long time ago!" LOL!! You know, it's always been that way for women? Guys, think about that for a few weeks. Try to understand the way the sexes minds are wired differently.
We all have bad days. Put yourselves in their shoes, mentally of course, just once.
And ladies, please(I'm sure you already do this anyway)give us guys a break. I understand that time is money, but sometimes, once we get where ever 'there' is, we just want to kick back for 10 or 15 minutes and mentally catch our breaths, so we can FULLY concentrate on YOU. Remember ladies, we men can only walk and talk at the same time, and some of us can do those too well. LOL!! (Relax guys. This is an adult conversation. I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone.)
I'm new, so I'm gonna be shy for a little while at first. But the longer I hobby, the less tension/parinoid expectation I will bring with me. My only expectation is of myself, right now. I hope that I'm not so excited that I cum like a little virgin boy! LOL!!! BTW.....I have a meeting with a seemingly sensual woman(my favorite kind of woman. Slow & sensual!)in a few days. MAN i hope I don't embarrass myself. Fact is, I suggested that we not contact each other until I get to her incall. Trying to amp up the 'sexual tension'. I haven't contacted her and she hasn't contacted me. This tactic usually works when you've talk to and decided when and where to meet a woman for adult fun, fun, fun!!
OK. Off my soap box now. I know....it's about time. I apologize.
It only took us 6 months and I can't say he is my ATF he has a big enough ego....I am kidding...He is a sweetheart
I corresponded with my favorite for over 3 months before I got up the nerve to see her, and as expected she is my favorite. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi