This Ruins A Session Every Time

After reading Khloe's deoderant thread I had to post this as an addendum.
Ladies , if you want to ruin a session and possibly your reputation show up to an appointment not fresh.
We all know what I mean, fresh down under.
I have had this happen to me a couple times now where things are moving along smoothly and I reach down to rub her , bring my hand up and the most God awful stench is on my hand. You want Mr . Happy to go limp as a wet noodle , well this is a sure fire way to do it. When this happens I just want the hell out and I promise you the review to follow will not be a good one.

I take the time and trouble to always shower,shave ,brush my teeth,gargle,whatever it takes to make myself presentable to the ladies when I arrive. I take a mint or chew gum just before arriving.
Is it too much to ask that the lady does the same?
"Buy a bottle of douche please".

Now I will say the majority of times this has occured is with younger providers on early in the day appointments , though I did have one more mature provider I met have the same problem.
If you are running a little late and haven't had time to freshen up for pities sake just tell the guy you need a little extra time for a shower ,or whatever. He will appreciate it and the odds of you getting a bad review go way down.
To not be clean and fresh for a session is rude , annoying and just down right disgusting.
Yes , this does go for the guys too. There is no excuse for showing up for a session not being clean unless there is an understanding that you will want a shower when you arrive.
Ok , my rant for the day is over.
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 12-29-2010, 03:10 PM
Not much I'm going to add to what Looie said, but i will agree that nothing can turn me off more than what he is eluding to...

I have walked out of a session for that reason...

Donnie Brasco's Avatar
What about the monthly visitor knocking at the door, when we're in the process of knocking at the door? I'm sorry, but that one's just plain not a pretty sight.
Ladies, we know it's human nature taking it's course and it happens on a monthly basis. You guys have a pretty solid idea about when it's going to happen. We just don't need to be witness to that. Let it happen on your dime, not mine.
I will say plus 1 a million times. Be clean and smelling good is very, very important. Hell if you show up stinking I'll put you in the shower and make love to you there. And we are all happy.
nothing says I appreciate the business like a stinky twat
AMEN Looie101!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
hygeine is most important!!!!!!!!!!!!! cum clean!!! lol
I think that for as much complaining about smelly balls that goes on by providers, there are just as many smelly clams.

On a different note, I hear about latex-scented twat all the time...more than natural clam stink. Ladies, if you had an appointment and you have another one coming over, take a BATH. A shower just isn't going to cut it. You need to soak the vagina. Lean back, put in a couple fingers, get some water inside there, swish it around and push it out. Repeat the process a few times. It is the ONLY way you are going to clean out the latex taste and stench. Just because you can't smell or taste it during the finger test, does not mean that once his face and nose is buried in it, that he won't be able to tell.

I don't care if you have to take seven baths in a day.....DO IT!
Int3rested's Avatar
There is a lesson here, I can smell it..bublbublbubl ..
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
It should go without saying...
Had this happen today to me. Provider was running late, she did keep me posted, the whole time I'm telling her "take your time". I'll say this, she made it on time to her incall but the whole thing was rushed.
I stopped and bought a bottle of wine, told her I was coming from the barn and asked if I could shower there...hint, hint. I come out of the shower and she's on the bed trying to get me to hurry. I don't think this is normal for her going by previous reviews. I hesitated and she asked if she should "clean up", that she would hurry and wash right quick. Me being an oral freak, that just ruined it for me.
Being rushed and not fresh left me knowing I just wasted $$$. I didn't want to cancel the date for fear of a bad rap, but now I wish I had.
TheAngryHobbyist's Avatar
You need to soak the vagina. Lean back, put in a couple fingers, get some water inside there, swish it around and push it out. Repeat the process a few times. Originally Posted by Dannie
OH YES! Keep talking........
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
uhmmm... I've been there also looie. It appears that some think that taking on a first client of the day believe the shower they took the night before was enough to keep the odor away. Forgetting that they may have had erotic dreams resulting in vaginal secretions or night sweats that sour.
hey surge I just like you booty poop up picture lol
thebodyguard_69's Avatar
nothing says I appreciate the business like a stinky twat Originally Posted by monkmonk
I know this was supposed to be an educational post, but that read like porn.....I got kinda hot....giggling.

Carry on folks

I think that for as much complaining about smelly balls that goes on by providers, there are just as many smelly clams.

On a different note, I hear about latex-scented twat all the time...more than natural clam stink. Ladies, if you had an appointment and you have another one coming over, take a BATH. A shower just isn't going to cut it. You need to soak the vagina. Lean back, put in a couple fingers, get some water inside there, swish it around and push it out. Repeat the process a few times. It is the ONLY way you are going to clean out the latex taste and stench. Just because you can't smell or taste it during the finger test, does not mean that once his face and nose is buried in it, that he won't be able to tell.

I don't care if you have to take seven baths in a day.....DO IT! Originally Posted by Dannie