What Qualities Make A Lady Become An Atf

What qualities makes a guy want to return to see a lady over and over again?
What is it she does that makes her more special than the other ladies you have seen?

Give us your reasons and likes. Who knows maybe it will be helpful in letting the ladies know what we like and expect from a really special session.

For me its when I visit her I am treated like I am really welcome. That the session will be a consistent good time with consistent great quality service.

The session will not seem mechanical and scripted out. Nothing I hate more than to show up the second time around and the events,conversation and sex are identical to the previous visit.
Good conversation is a must. I don't mean just talking about the hobby.

The more time we spend together the more I will want to talk about other things. No I do not mean personal info , just normal convo.
Of course I am talking about GFE sessions. Those who are just into the sex I'm sure will have different preferences.

On that note , I am there for the sex also. That is of course the ultimate objective. Make sure its fun and that we try different positions and activities , keep things fresh.
Little things will make me feel at home and welcome.

I have a couple ladies who I see and have seen frequently that do the things I described.
Natalie Summers - One of the nicest and sensous ladies in the area. Kisses are the best.

Christina Blake - Makes you feel like her long lost boyfriend.

Shea Veile - Just a great visit no matter how long in between.
All these ladies possess the qualities I require in an ATF.

Of course I am always searching for more Atf's.

So what makes a lady special enough for you to return over and over again?

Ladies, what makes a guy a good ATF?
thongpopper's Avatar
For me if she's relaxed and friendly it makes the time we are together very enjoyable. If she's nervous neither one of us will enjoy it... :-)
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Great feet
wellendowed1911's Avatar
To me if she makes it seem like she enjoy our time together and everything isn't mechanical and business. A great personality and pretty much a person you can actually talk to about any matter.
demsrsb's Avatar
good thread Looie. Yes, I agree with Natalie's kisses. Wonderful.

For me, an ATF does 3 things well; kissing, the quality of her oral skills,
does the mish have a successful outcome.
steverino50's Avatar
It has to be a soup to nuts experience:
1. Responds to the appointment request promptly
2. Is on time
3. Showered, shaved, coiffed, dressed (or undressed) and ready to go
4. Appears to be glad to see me
5. Ready and willing, delivers the goods with passion and good humor
6. Pretends to be sorry to see me go
7. Lather, rinse, repeat
Consistency goes a long way to earning ATF status
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I like GFE providers with a PSE twist. GFE, for me, starts with the response from initial contact. Anyone who comes across on the response with GPS gets zero attention from me afterwards.

Flirtatious before, during and after a session will always make me take notice. I really enjoy providers who actually read my 411 profile and try to accomodate my nuanced requests.

One provider I would enjoy seeing again no longer provides and I would dive on the chance because of the way she made me feel during the session.
mansfield's Avatar
GFE, for me, starts with the response from initial contact. Anyone who comes across on the response with GPS gets zero attention from me afterwards.
This. Very important to me as well. Treat my first few messages as all business, there won't be any business. Doesn't have to be over the top but some display that it's more than just a transaction.
It seems as you guys are picking your favorite ride at an amusement park. I hope there would be a mutual lust, at the least.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
My ATF's are gentlemen who took the time to research me and know a little about me before they arrived on my door step the first time. They keep in touch when we can not be together, but do not blow up my phone and email daily. They treat me like a lover and a friend. They are just as considerate of my feelings and desires as I try to be of theirs. They know who they are....xoxo
All these responses are nonsense! The only quality a girl needs to be a fella's ATF is to have the word "Infamous" in her handle.
Hercules's Avatar
Respect....for my time, for my efforts, for my needs.

And a great ass.
demsrsb's Avatar
well let's see if you're right, BJ
tiggold's Avatar
My ATF's are gentlemen who took the time to research me and know a little about me before they arrived on my door step the first time. They keep in touch when we can not be together, but do not blow up my phone and email daily. They treat me like a lover and a friend. They are just as considerate of my feelings and desires as I try to be of theirs. They know who they are....xoxo Originally Posted by M A X

Max. Your a sweetie. You know my AFT. and she is my SB. After a long negotation we have work out a WIN-WIN. for the Both of US.

I know I stated I like my SB to be 18 to 21 and spinners, but MY AFT is more than that she is a very interesting person that takes care of my needs and is concern about me to make me feel I'm the only one for her too.

Tiggold has his ATF and SB all in one. I love that MY AFT will take care of me.

Looie. What makes an ATF for me is she makes me feel she is spending time with me. We all know why they do this but I MY ATF makes me feel she is doing this to please me, and I take care of her because she takes care of me.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Max. Your a sweetie. You know my AFT. and she is my SB. After a long negotation we have work out a WIN-WIN. for the Both of US.

I know I stated I like my SB to be 18 to 21 and spinners, but MY AFT is more than that she is a very interesting person that takes care of my needs and is concern about me to make me feel I'm the only one for her too.

Tiggold has his ATF and SB all in one. I love that MY AFT will take care of me.

Looie. What makes an ATF for me is she makes me feel she is spending time with me. We all know why they do this but I MY ATF makes me feel she is doing this to please me, and I take care of her because she takes care of me.

Originally Posted by tiggold
I'm very happy to know this. She and I will have to get together, so I can get the "scoop". I'll have to agree that she takes good care of others.