Well reviewed, professional girls give the best...

So, after being around the block a little bit, and having some really horrible experiences, I had some great experiences with some well reviewed girls,who are quite active on the site. I didn't write reviews because I didn't feel I had anything to add. Everything you've read is about right.

One of the girls I met was even open enough to say she'd give me the inside scoop (if she had it) on anyone new I wanted to see. That to me, was golden. She will always have a repeat customer. She's given me some good references as well, and this has enabled me to up the quality of providers I've seen significantly.

I've never done the whole 2 girl thing, and I think that might be my Xmas present to me this year, and because I got in with the right girls (and treated them right!!!) I have some great choices.
olderguy1948's Avatar
Perhaps...that is the reason for this board and why some of us are here...but, it only works if everyone shares. People who lurke and take info without sharing don't help and are parasites. If everyone did that there would be no board. Either participate, or move on.
Loki Pk's Avatar
It is always nice to have 'an in' with the local providers. And as you have stated, if you are cool the girls will share what they know about the area and other ladies. The caveat should be spoken however, that sometimes they can be misleading regarding other 'competitors' in their market, so be aware and take it all with a grain of salt.

That being said, I have had several outstanding ladies who have turned me on to new talent coming to the area and have never been disappointed with that type of 'recommendation'. And the two girl show is a definite bucket list item! I've done it a few times and NEVER EVER had a bad time (well, maybe once ) How can two pussies, 4 hands and two hot mouths be a bad thing?!?!?!
Enjoy, welcome to the neighborhood ! Now go get fucked! then tell us about it

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