It's official: Gays can get married!

illuminati's Avatar
As I'm sure y'all have heard that the SCOTUS ruled in favor for marriage equality across all 50 states, including those, like Texas, that have a constitutional ban on gay marriage. Texas Attorney General issued a call - actually a warning - to county clerks to not issue any gay marriage licenses until he gives them the okay. Well, to thumb their liberal nose to Paxton, Travis County began issuing out licenses today. This ruling doesn't affect me one bit, but philosophically speaking it was discriminatory to allow M-F to marry while denying M-M or F-F the same right.

What do y'all think?
The Allnighter's Avatar
While I have some reputation as a jokester, I have to play this one straight (in every possible way)...

I'd like to congratulate my gay and lesbian friends on their hard-fought, well-deserved victory today. It is truly long overdue.

Welcome to the possibilities of marital bliss!

So sayeth the married guy hanging out on the hooker board...
Truly fantastic news! Finally!
While I have some reputation as a jokester, I have to play this one straight (in every possible way)...

I'd like to congratulate my gay and lesbian friends on their hard-fought, well-deserved victory today. It is truly long overdue.

Welcome to the possibilities of marital bliss!

So sayeth the married guy hanging out on the hooker board... Originally Posted by The Allnighter
I could not have said it better myself!

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah don't give a hoot 'r a holler if'n tha gays wanna ruin a purrfecktly gud sex life by a-gittin' hitched. But Ah dew git a chuckle when Ah think 'bout all them weddin' planners finally gittin' ta plan thar own weddins an' losin' thar shee'yit when thangs ain't purrfeckt.
sue_nami's Avatar
I personally do not believe in marriage but totally support their right to get fucked over like the rest of us if they chose to.
DallasRain's Avatar

This Gay Couple Of More Than 50 Years Was The First To Get Married In Dallas After Supreme Court Ruling
Little Monster's Avatar
Should've been done a long time ago. I have yet to hear one GOOD argument for not allowing them to marry.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-26-2015, 10:34 PM
It's unfortunate that so much effort, hatred and divisiveness should have led this to the steps of the Supreme Court. I always believed in Civil Unions but apparently I'm ignorant on the significance of it being a "marriage". Oh well......
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Should've been done a long time ago. I have yet to hear one GOOD argument for not allowing them to marry. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I can't but I'm sure our Governor and Attorney General will come up with a few arguments that at least THEY think are good.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I'm a little bit ambivalent about the decision myself, but...

I really LOVE how much it pisses off certain assholes.