adopt a pussy?

sue_nami's Avatar
this is a serious question. the shelters are overflowing with kittens and they are begging for adopters. how many guys are allergic to cats? who would NOT see a provider with a cat as long as the incall was clean and scent free? i really want a kitten but i am worried it will seriosuly impact my business as my incall is pet free now. how many guys would a kitten run off? speak up even if u would not see me, i mean any provider with a cat, not just me. I keep the dogs at home because i have big dogs but i think my apartment needs a cat? what say you about pet allergies and cats at incalls?
I have two Persian cats and even clients with allergies haven't complained (Persians don't normally cause an issue as they have different dander than a typical short-hair).
That's a tough dilimma. I just adopted an additional cat and dog. Being more of a pet person than a people person I can't give any business advice but would think as long as the area is clean it shouldn't impact you too negatively however some folks are hyper-sensitive. The best approach might be to poll your regulars and see how they respond(pretty sure you already thought of that). Personally I trust animal lovers a bit more than non-pet owners in general so a rescue kitty(or puppy) is a plus in my book.
I'm allergic to cats but do ok as long as I know beforehand, so I can take something.
pyramider's Avatar
I am highly allergic to cats. One lady had a cat and I did not know for several sessions, she always vacuumed the incall prior to my arrival.
I'm allergic to cats but do ok as long as I know beforehand, so I can take something. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
You can chase it with some ketchup.
redbeard42's Avatar
Cats are awesome.
I actually heard the news like two or three weeks ago, as such, I actually did adopt a cat to save its life. It wasn't later that I was scheduling an in call that it dawned on me ...right allergies lol. Fortunately the wonderful lady who showed up I know before hand that she had kittens and knows very well how to handle them =). However my one shame is that the cat loves to be around me so during the session kept meowing and making s rockus...oh man, could be hard to stay in the mood with that. Anyway I apologized, but think I limited myselkf to incalls so providers don't get sick of allergic or get annoyed haha