Rampaging Teens Take Over Chicago…..


The new Mayor Elect makes a statement. He Condemned such violence, then used that magic word that makes everything said before it meaningless,


He might just as well said…..”hey, kids will be kids, it’s no big deal”
Chicago is a woke city. This is what they get when they vote for idiots.
... "CRASH!" ... "BANG!" .... "SMASH!" ... Surely seemed that
I was watching Batman on the telly as I saw some o' the
news footage of the wildings there.... Cars with windshields
broken and some even set a-fire!

Maybe VP Harris can post bail f--- Oop! ... Sorry - me bad...
Not sure any of the wilding joeys were even arrested there.
Prolly don't need any bail money...

Yet another liberal "peaceful protest"....

#### Salty
Chicago is pretty big, they took over all of it?
Yeah you're right leftwing ideology SUCKS....
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Yet another liberal "peaceful protest"... Originally Posted by Salty Again
The full verse is "Firey but mostly peaceful protests"
texassapper's Avatar
Heh. Who cares? The good citizens of Chicago are about to get what they deserve, GOOD and HARD.

More death and destruction... if they are lucky the criminals will just prey on their own neighbors that voted for the stupid. I've seen a heat map of crime related to Democrat voting precincts... it's pretty much a 1-1 relationship.

So fcuk them libtards.