Did a new movie make it to your top 5 this year?

Lexxxy's Avatar
I was having this debate on a date this evening. There were a lot of good movies this year but none took the cake for me, how about you?
My all time favs are still Boondock saints, fight club, nightmare before Christmas, clockwork orange, the crow, and... I will give you a hint "Can you still hear the lambs?"

SweetElizabeth's Avatar

Argo made it to my "to Buy" list for my home DvD collection.

:-) It was super!
Lexxxy's Avatar
Ooooooh! I have to check it out! TY.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Now my friend and I are talking about shows because the snow is raging and only alcoholics came to my bar tonight. For me walking dead and sons of anarchy blew my mind this year!
Lincoln was one of the best I have seen in many years
saw flight is Denzel Washington, and it was a very edgy movie, and was much than just a plane flying upside down, awesome cast lifted an average plot (inconsistent/unbelievable concepts) . The move opened with a nude Nadine Velazquez walking back and forth across the screen for about 3 minutes.

Lexxxy's Avatar
*giggles* nice
JohnnyCap's Avatar
The Walking Dead was righteous this year. I thought Argo was racist and boring and I thought Lincoln was crap, a bunch of self-righteous Hollywood bozos congratulating themselves for having ancestors that freed the black folks they beat the shit out of for centuries prior. That movie wasn't about Lincoln, it was about Spielberg blowing himself. Daniel Day was excellent. The Master was the best movie I've seen in awhile, but not all time top material.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I am big into collecting movies, I really like horror and foreign. I watched Sleep Tight from Spain which was good it was like a modern Hitchcock. This year not too many stuck out as AMAZING to me.
Being a long time horror movie fan, it is hard to like anything that has come out in the last few years. Of the last ten or so yearsc, I enjoyed jeepers creepers, and that movie (name is escaping me) about adventurous girls going into a cave only to find golumn (sp?) like creatures that like to eat them.
Lexxxy's Avatar
The descent 1 and 2

I am with you, I haven't been all that wowed either.
yes Lexxxi, thanks! that was it. pretty gruesome, i love the death scenes, especially how it opened.
i did not get that impression that it was about Spielberg, did he make cameo?

Granted, I expecting a Lincoln biography type thing, but it was really about the getting 13th amendment passed, and the measures it took to get enough buy-in to make an amendment like that pass, against the paradigms of the culture that were blocking the simple logic that slavery was wrong. It is was great movie in that regard.

It is a true irony, that the republicans pushed to free slaves, and make the "negro" (term of the day, and better then other terms) equal in eyes of the courts and other laws.

a bunch of self-righteous Hollywood bozos congratulating themselves for having ancestors that freed the black folks they beat the shit out of for centuries prior. That movie wasn't about Lincoln, it was about Spielberg blowing himself. l. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Raid Redemption, Dark Knight, Skyfall, Savages, Flight are a few that come to mind.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
i did not get that impression that it was about Spielberg, did he make cameo?

Granted, I expecting a Lincoln biography type thing, but it was really about the getting 13th amendment passed, and the measures it took to get enough buy-in to make an amendment like that pass, against the paradigms of the culture that were blocking the simple logic that slavery was wrong. It is was great movie in that regard.

It is a true irony, that the republicans pushed to free slaves, and make the "negro" (term of the day, and better then other terms) equal in eyes of the courts and other laws. Originally Posted by lostforkate
I was over the top because I'm not a Spielberg fan. He wasn't in it that I'm aware of. I just thought the movie was overly-dramaticized version of exactly what you said it was. I wanted more Lincoln, more Day Lewis, more of how Lincoln, though an outstanding man, did abuse his powers.

I saw the movie as an attempt to make us Americans look grand at a time I want more people pissed about certain issues. I'm not going deeper, this is a movie thread and its Christmas for christsakes, relax JC.

The Descent? Kinda cheese I thought. To each his own. Tell me your top 5 horror. Mine: night of the living dead (original Romero), Alien, high tension, '03 Texas Chainsaw, 28 Days Later. The first scenes of 28 Weeks later might be some of the best ever filmed. Fuck me just thinking of it. So many good movies but I'd stop what I was doing to watch my first two anytime.