yankee13's Avatar
Anyone watch any games yet the USA starts on Friday I was surprised finding out today the pitchers can only pitch a total of 65pitches it increase in each round how's the us chances to get thru easily
pyramider's Avatar
ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz
yankee13's Avatar
yes it is a bit boring
pyramider's Avatar
It really should not be boring but there is too much money in the majors for the top tier players to go to the WBC. They are not covered if they get injured playing in the WBC.
The Drummer's Avatar
It really should not be boring but there is too much money in the majors for the top tier players to go to the WBC. They are not covered if they get injured playing in the WBC. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yeah. And many MLB players are claiming spring training to be more beneficial to them than the WBC. So they're opting out.
wantsome's Avatar
They do have some of the big name players participating. The injury issue is big though. Big Tex from the NY Stankies got an injury yesterday.
Vern0065's Avatar
Ok non contact sport guys should be ok if they would come to training camp in some sort of shape. Maybe eat a few less twinkies in the off season.

Ohh did i mention a real sport like hockey those guys go play for thier countries in the Olympics!! I dont think many hockey players would opt out playing for thier country!! Just saying!!!!!!!
pyramider's Avatar
Hockey is a sport? Never see it on tv.
Ben Frank's Avatar
Just like taint you dont see that on Tv. Ahh yes say hockey isnt a sport at least i can watch a event instead of a bunch of men stand and scratch thier nut sacks all day!!
pyramider's Avatar
Oh hockey is figure skating with contact. I have always thought it was strange when the skaters start start undressing and then hug each other and then start trying to undress the other one. Yeah, that is a sport.
yankee13's Avatar
Well the USA advance to play Mexico next they played a good game against Canada