its only preseason but..

  • fryec
  • 08-09-2013, 07:17 PM
Go Cowboys!
You Sir are obviously a Romosexual!

Chung Tran's Avatar
how 'bout a phone-in for that new AT&T stadium?
ManSlut's Avatar
Care to put any money on them fryec or are you just a Blue Koolaid drinker?...Me, I love to gamble and no offensive line = not enough wins. No one in Jerry Jones' camp gets it, but it's the reason why the later years of Troy Aikman's career went to shit and he got his head beat in. Glad to see the 4-3 defense come back but if they can't stay healthy on the defensive side of the ball they have NO CHANCE because that offense won't score enough, especially against good defenses. Winning football comes down to 2 main things in this order- 1)Dominant offensive line 2) Defensive pressure on the quarterback...8-8 at best.
pyramider's Avatar
I love me some Jerry Jones ... his love of putting a mediocre product out there just amazes me.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I love me some Jerry Jones ... his love of putting a mediocre product out there just amazes me. Originally Posted by pyramider

.......and getting the saps around here to buy it!
yaddayadda's Avatar
I agree the Cowboys are the same or marginally better than last year, however I don't see anyone in the NFC East thats improved either. I say the East is up for grabs and anyone who puts 9 or 10 wins together will take the Conference.
Technomad's Avatar
I would turn Romo-sexual if he won Dallas a Super Bowl... just sayin
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I wish I could have seen but I am being held hostage by FUCKING TWC
ManSlut's Avatar
I do feel the Cowgirls have a couple of things going for them, but, I in no way feel these will translate into regular season wins:

1) They ended the last few weeks of the season last year playing with more heart than I can remember since the Jimmy Johnson 'play hard or I'll ship your ass out' days. They even played like that with a lot of key injuries down the stretch...Have they gotten rid of that sense of enlightenment attitude?...We'll see.

2) Jerry Jones fucked himself. He forced Garrett into a Head Coach only role by taking the Offensive Coordinator role away from him. Now Jerry can't be seen whispering in assistant coaches ears, this won't look good in the Pro Football world because he'll be bypassing his Head Coach and will clearly be seen as the Puppet Master behind the scenes Head Coach/GM/Owner that he's been since he dumped Jimmy J (and please spare me the opinion Bill Parcells wasn't a lard ass puppet)...Everyone will see 'how the Magician does his tricks' if Jerry bypasses Red Jesus and he'd have trouble getting a real coach in here if he dumps the Red Headed Jesus.

Again, neither of these translates into wins (well #1 might) but they may keep me from changing the channel sooner.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Regarding Jerky putting thoughts in the ACs ears. If they're wearing a headset more than likely they have a separate line upstairs. All Jerkwad needs to to is jump on it and he's a head coach again.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I pay no attention to the Cowboys before September 8.... there's nothing to talk about now, except for the diehards who celebrate minutai.... the preseason games don't matter, the outcomes don't anticipate the real season, the top players barely play... and too much publicity leads to disinterest when the real season comes around.

other than that, I'm ecstatic about the new season
dallasfan's Avatar
If they can stay healthy, they will be in the playoffs ...way to much talent.
theboss21422's Avatar
Go 49ers
  • fryec
  • 08-11-2013, 10:37 PM
Care to put any money on them fryec or are you just a Blue Koolaid drinker?...Me, I love to gamble and no offensive line = not enough wins. No one in Jerry Jones' camp gets it, but it's the reason why the later years of Troy Aikman's career went to shit and he got his head beat in. Glad to see the 4-3 defense come back but if they can't stay healthy on the defensive side of the ball they have NO CHANCE because that offense won't score enough, especially against good defenses. Winning football comes down to 2 main things in this order- 1)Dominant offensive line 2) Defensive pressure on the quarterback...8-8 at best. Originally Posted by ManSlut
I guess you can say I am a kool-aid drinker since I support them regardless of how bad they suck.

They will never win a super bowl as long as Romo is their QB, and I will put my money on that statement.

Too many blame the line but they also forget that you can't pass block in the NFL for 15 seconds. If the quarterback has a quick release and can make quick decisions, then the line will take care of itself.

If they don't win a regular season game this year I will still support them.
