On a Serious Note

Day to day we have enormous fun on these boards and then you come across something that makes you step back and reflect... reflect on our blessings and the fraility of the human race. Galveston newspaper article in point........

"Doctors at Houston's Med Center transported a newborn male via Life Flight to Galveston's Burn Center yesterday.

The infant was born with no eyelids or any semblance of connective tissue to provide moisture retention for the ocular sockets. Seeming to be at an impasse and resulting in blindness, Dr. Phil McCavity ordered the life changing transportation in conjunction with Mike Hunt OBGYN to Galveston's renowned burn center.

Surgeons successfully circumcised the newborn and constructed eyelids from the delicate yet resilient excess tissue.

By now mates, you may have guessed, the newborn is the one and only JBravo Jr.... yes, he is my son. Being born at 9 lbs 3 oz and after circumcision weighing 6 lbs 3 ozs (proof he's my boy),

doctors say his condition is stable!!!! He should lead a 'normal' life... little cock-eyed.... but good to go."

If the little fucker can box, I'm naming him Joey!! (inside joke)
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Call Guinness. I'm sure that's a record cut. If nothing else, call the Enquirer. It'll be front page, right next to the "Alien Birth Certificate Found; Obama Revealed To Be From Uranus" story. Make sure you give them all the details so they won't write their usual half-cocked story.

So, what's happening with the leftovers? Will there be other cock-eyed transplants? Perhaps the English need cock-knee donations?
Fuck the English!!!
Ya know, he could be from my anus? Have to ponder on that one.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 07-28-2013, 08:27 AM
I'll bet when he gets older and gets 'excited' he won't be able to shut his eyes.