Snowden's Spinner Girlfriend (Pics inside)

Snowden has lost more than just his US passport, freedom to travel and peace of mind. He also separated from his spinner girlfriend. Snowden had a lot to lose.

That she is a professional pole dancer adds intrigue and deliciousness to this story.

mrhamm's Avatar
Lovely stomach.
atx33man's Avatar
He's a criminal and traitor according to Cheney, Kerry and others. I find myself believing him
over the government talking heads. It could be that he's just a smart guy that likes attractive women and has a strong sense of right and wrong. Kinda like Ben Franklin.
endurance's Avatar

Time to assassinate her character! What can we dredge up - ooooh, she must be a crazy:
"She makes no explicit political references but once posted a picture of a woman in a V for Vendetta mask, a popular symbol among anti-government libertarians. "All they want is our souls," she wrote under the picture."

"They who wish to hurt you, Work within the law" -Morrissey
Lil' Tex's Avatar
Well, Kerry would obviously KNOW a traitor, but I wonder if his definition is the same as mine? Probably not...
The whole thing about Snowden is that he made a pledge, under penalty of law (I love that phrase) and choose to ignore it. What else can he be trusted on?

If he did the same as I (and probably did, I had code word clearances at one time and worked with another agency) it included the words "imprisonment for a number of years, or life, or death"

I was working at TRW (in the same group, sort of) when Chris Boyce escaped.

Let's ask a question. I guy works at a credit card processing company and he walks out with a stick that has a couple of hundred thousand peoples information. Social Security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers. And then posts them, claiming that the people had no right having possessions and money that others didn't also have. Criminal? In the case in question the guy actually took out a whole fricking laptop. One that had a "phone home" feature. He was busted before he could send any of them and is doing 30 years in a medium security prison.

Snowden: Traitor? Not really, I don't think. Spy? Half way. Guilty of espionage? Yup. Thief? Definitely. (He even stole the stick and used a hacked account.)

Was he aware of his actions and that they were illegal? It appears that way.

I know a bunch of people who could talk about *, and ^, and #. But we took an oath and the projects are still classified, although * runs down on Dec 31st. But everybody here probably knows about * and ^.

Getting back on topic. I'd do her. I'll bet her rates just went up!
3daygetaway's Avatar
The whole thing about Snowden is that he made a pledge, under penalty of law (I love that phrase) and choose to ignore it. What else can he be trusted on? Originally Posted by austin_voy
What about the pledge the constitution (and our elected officials and military) made us!!!! The FEDS have testified UNDER OATH that no such American Spying program exists...they fucking lied and we caught them thanks to this guy.

Thief? Yes.
Traitor? Contractually, yes.
Hero? Fuck Yeah!

Is he going to hang? Yes.
Will he be the martyr that starts the US uprising against our own government? I sure as shit hope so!

I know that our government has been watching us for treason and terrorism since forever, with Echelon and other SIGINT programs, and it is a violation of freedoms. I get it that we live in a dangerous world where people mad people do mad things, and people REALLY DO sleep safer at night knowing that BIG Bro/Sis is watching out for us, but WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN? Even the agency in charge of the watchmen is inept and toothless without the people demanding their freedoms be protected.

Anybody, regardless of their clearance or contract, who blows the whistle against a government violating the constitutional rights of its citizenry should be exalted as no less than a hero of the people. Those disclosure agreements are meant to keep information, policies, and processes away from the ENEMY. Are Americans the enemy of America?

...and now that the FBI is reading this and I am on a domestic terrorist list, I'd like to add that Snowden's girlfriend is hot; SCHWING!
FastWheels's Avatar
That is about a perfect body right there!!! Love it!