Nitwitboy starts Chemo next week

Nitwitboy's Avatar
All the medications and all the stress with no results. Who has done chemo before? I need some pep talk. I am fucke if this does not work? The weird thing is, I feel healthy and strong, yet I am slowly dying? I do not understand this at all.
I know nothing about chemo....just wanted to say, I wish you the best.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
My father is going through chemo right now.

The good news is that many treatments now do not have the same side effects, nor are they as severe. He even drove himself many days although he would come home and nap.

I encourage you to see what they can do to have more frequent checks during treatment to see how effective it is if possible. In his case they would have been well served to realize the first course was not working that well so they could get to the more potent drugs sooner. After observing his and other cases I do think it might have been better to bite the bullet and be more aggressive from the start, but each case is, of course, different.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Stay positive, spend as much time as you can with your friends and family to keep your spirits up, and good luck with the chemo. I don't know anything about it, but I wish you the very best and hope you get through it quickly.
Boom Boom's Avatar
It's good that you feel strong & be positive.

Think of it like training when they dropped you offshore with your team & said swim back. You knew it would be rough but in the long run you made it, survived, & kicked the waters ass that day.

One of my friends is going through the same ordeal. He is only 9 months older than I am. He's gone though treatments & finally bone marrow transplant recently. It's amazing what he has had to endure, but is coming out on T O P as will you.
St.Mateo's Avatar

I have been going though the chemo thing for the last several months in one form or another but since the beginning of the month here we have hit a new phase of larger doses with different chemo meds. Just this last week was when the realization of everything hit me along with the more intensive medication alot of what is going is mental because everything is at stake
You HAVE to keep a positive outlook and reduce the things that push you to the edge. That of course is easier said than done but surrond yourself with the friends ,relatives you trust the most and do lean on them when u need it
My doctor is very spiritual in nature and his mentality towards all this is to focus on your strenghts and reduce stress and most of all enjoy what is around you.
My cancer is in a very sensitive part of my cerebrum and for the most part inoperable except for two new procedures that may work? I have to let this crap work or not then I have a very interesting decision to make here soon.

I know you are prob scared as I know I am but I Beleive I will kick its ass as you will too...
If you need to talk pm me door is open...
Stay stong and keep all positive outcomes at the forefront of your mind. Cancer is no match for the power that lies within you, I'm with you in spirit and will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes!!
Boltfan's Avatar
Stay strong my friend. Both my father and my good friend's father have been through some times with cancer. Science has improved significantly and things are more treatable now than ever before.

My friend's father was given a outlook of months back last summer and he is still going strong more than a year later with positive response to his treatment. My father needs treatment but as the doc put it "you aren't going to die from the cancer".

Good luck.
Lauren Lane's Avatar
I have hugs and positive thoughts for you. And do not hesitate to reach out to your Eccie family.
I wish you tons of love and good hope. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet, but it has been enjoyable talking with you over the phone. I hope to a fast speedy recovery.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
good luck hun, as you know i have 1st hand experience so feel free to pm me if you ever need ANYTHING or just want to talk.
mtabsw's Avatar
We've never met, but wanted you to know my thoughts are with you. My trainer at the gym has had a great result even though she had a very aggressive form of breast cancer. Seven years now and going strong. Hope you have similar results.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I went through this with a law partner. There is no general rule. It's different for different chemo meds. It different for different cancers. But very frequently, chemo isn't the end of the line anymore. But if you're ready to have that conversation, the person to have it with is your oncologist.

As others have said, stay positive. Try to keep the crap and stress in your life to a minimum. And enjoy what you can, small or large.

Stay strong and we'll see you when you're well.
Mopar71's Avatar
Stay strong and stay POSITIVE!!! It is most important, prayers and well wishes are headed your way, and I am wishing you a speedy recovery.
All the medications and all the stress with no results. Who has done chemo before? I need some pep talk. I am fucke if this does not work? The weird thing is, I feel healthy and strong, yet I am slowly dying? I do not understand this at all. Originally Posted by Nitwitboy
My thoughts are with you...think positive!!!